newsgNewSense GNU/Linux - News: gNewSense 3.1 released

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gNewSense 3.1 released posted by samgee, Sun 09 Feb 2014 07:30:07 PM UTC

gNewSense 3.1 released

Item posted by Sam Geeraerts <samgee> on Sun 09 Feb 2014 07:30:07 PM UTC.

I'm pleased to announce the release of gNewSense 3.1 [1]. This is a
minor update to the current stable version with codename Parkes. These are the most important changes:

- The correct country-specific package repository (instead of is set at installation time.
- Network-manager is included in the live image by default.
- The expert installer no longer suggests to install Debian's non-free repository.

Current users of gNewSense 3.0 don't have to reinstall. They get all updates automatically. However, they should update their software sources, because the installer of gNewSense 3.0 erroneously set the URL of our beta repository as the software source. That repository will be disabled next week, in order to start development on gNewSense 4. I urge you to update your software sources to the correct ones as soon as possible.
You can do this as follows:

1) Open System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager
2) Go to Settings -> Repositories
3) Click on each repository that has "" in the URI and replace "" with "", where "xx" is the code of your country [1].

So, Germans would replace


Expert users can of course edit their /etc/apt/sources.list [2]



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