LINGOT Is Not a Guitar-Only Tuner - News: Lingot 1.0.0 released
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Lingot 1.1.0 ready! posted by ibancereijo, Fri 08 May 2020 11:21:29 PM UTC
Lingot 1.0.1 released posted by ibancereijo, Fri 06 Jul 2018 05:49:37 PM UTC
Lingot 0.9.1 is out posted by ibancereijo, Mon 22 Aug 2011 03:02:34 PM UTC
Lingot 0.9.0 released! posted by ibancereijo, Mon 21 Feb 2011 07:52:49 PM UTC
Lingot 0.8.1 released posted by ibancereijo, Wed 17 Mar 2010 09:44:20 PM UTC
Lingot 1.0.1 released
Item posted by Ibán Cereijo <ibancereijo> on Fri 06 Jul 2018 05:49:37 PM UTC.
After a long period of inactivity, Lingot is back!.
We are proud to announce the release 1.0.1, with the following features and fixes:
- Added PulseAudio support.
- Migration to GTK+ 3.10
- Migration to graphic vectors with libcairo. Main window now resizable.
- Modified the frequency finding algorithm.
- Modified the configuration: the user specifies now the frequency range of the instrument, instead of providing low level parameters like the sample rate.
- Implemented task #11284: audio devices autodetection.
- Fixed several bugs: #32581, #35183, #35220, #35221, #54209, #40525.
- Fixed SIGSEGV when there's no scale in config file (thanks to K. Volný).
- Showing octave index along with the note.
- Implemented task #10683: config file validation.
- Implemented task #11100: add libfftw support.
- Fixed bugs #643435, #730175 in debian.
- Enhanced some error messages.
- Fixed potential error when reading from OSS and ALSA.
- Fixed memory leaks and improved memory management (thanks to Nicolas Boulenguez).
Go to the download area and try it out.
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