newsAdvanced Gtk+ Sequencer - News


Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer version 6.8.x

Item posted by Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann> on Wed 17 Apr 2024 01:40:23 PM UTC.

GSequencer version 6.8.3 brings many improvements to sandboxed environments. Therefor I have introduced 2 new configure switches.

Snap sandbox:

./configure --enable-snap-sandbox

Flatpak sandbox:

./conifgure --enable-flatpak-sandbox

AgsFileWidget checks directory and file permissions prior accessing them. Further it does handle root directory correctly.

GSequencer respects XDG_*_DIR environment variables

Following environment variables are tested and used:

GSequencer with improved sandboxed FS interaction

The open file dialogs are built conditionally by the above configure switches. Respecting environment variable AGS_SNAP_PATH to default locations of drumkits, Soundfont2 or SFZ files.

by Joël

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