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Ported to Windows!

Item posted by Ben Asselstine <benasselstine> on Mon 29 Jun 2015 10:43:05 AM UTC.

LordsAWar! now runs on Microsoft Windows!

It's been a long-standing goal to make LordsAWar! run on windows, and finally it's happened, mostly thanks to the MINGW (Minimalist GNU on Windows) project, and Fedora for packaging windows gtkmm libraries.  It's finally happened, 9 years after this project started.

Technically there were three kinds of windows-related bugs to overcome: 1. slashes and paths, 2. opening files as binary, and 3. can't delete open files.  For more information on this, see .

In the git repository, there is a file called WINDOWS that details how you can cross-compile the codebase for windows.  The instructions culiminate in the creation of a .zip file (we're not using an installer yet) that contains the DLLS, the game data, and the executables.

Unfortunately sound does not work in the windows version, yet.  But I think most people turn off the sound anyway.

Look for the windows zip file to appear on website: .

I sincerely hope this brings more users to the LordsAWar! community.

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