newsReTux - News


ReTux 0.4 Released

Item posted by Layla Marchant <onpon4> on Sun 14 Feb 2016 03:29:43 PM UTC.

Another release of ReTux is out. As before, it can be found in the downloads page. The password to decrypt the archives is the same as the previous releases.

With this release, World 4 is now finished, and all that's left is the 4-level World 5. Additionally, everything else about the game is finalized. Other than the last four levels and possibly an additional bonus level, the only work left to do is actually on the SGE Game Engine and xsge_tmx (something to reduce ReTux's currently large amount of RAM usage).

Also with this release, I'm trying something with the distribution. What I've done is produced archives for Windows and Mac users that basically just bundle the installers for Python and Pygame. I've also produced an archive for GNU/Linux users that includes instructions for some common distros and includes the Pygame source code just in case (Python is typically available, so it doesn't need to be bundled). This is something I've also done with Pacewar. I would like to hear some feedback on this, especially from Windows and Mac users, if there are any. If this works out well, the CD will be a combination of all three distributions, so that no additional downloads are necessary for most users.

Other than the new levels (which bring the total number of levels up to 37) and the addition of distributions bundled with Python and Pygame, the most notable improvements in this release are:

Other changes include:

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