ReTux - News
Level Making Contest Results
Item posted by Layla Marchant <onpon4> on Fri 15 Jul 2016 09:14:37 PM UTC.
Judgment for the ReTux level making contest is now over. Overall, there were three participants. My judgments for each of the levels follow:
Third Place: MECHDRAGON777's Entry
License: CC0
Rating: 7/100
Comments: This level is functional, but not all that interesting. I appreciated the slightly difficult jump needed to get the Tux doll, but other than that, it's the bare minimum of what a level needs to be.
Second Place: Tomlukeywood's Entry
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
Rating: 43/100
Comments: A decent level and fun to play, but the design feels uninspired and even random. Springs were placed throughout the level seemingly without purpose, and the Tux doll was just placed in a random item block.
First Place: EricxDu's Entry
License: CC0
Rating: 95/100
Comments: I adore the creativity in this level! This is a very nicely done maze level with a hint of action and timing. I thoroughly enjoyed the exploration despite most of the level looking the same (kind of reminds me of Metroid in that aspect), and the puzzle for getting the flowers out of their respective rooms was brilliant.
These are the results of the contest:
- All participants have earned prize money: EricxDu won $50, while both Tomlukeywood and MECHDRAGON777 have won $20.
- EricxDu's entry will be included in ReTux as a bonus level as of version 1.0 of ReTux. It will be found in the "EricxDu's Bonus Level" levelset. He will be listed in the credits under a section titled "Bonus Level Design".
- The other two levels are not fit for inclusion in ReTux. However, as a show of my appreciation for their participation, I have created a new page on the ReTux website for unofficial levels, and these levels have been made available there.
ReTux 1.0 will be released very soon now.
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