newsAdvanced Gtk+ Sequencer - News


Refactoring the notation editor

Item posted by Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann> on Thu 07 Dec 2017 10:29:21 PM UTC.

Doing much tighter notation editor was fun. I enjoyed to strap all overhead and make it really light-weight. The AgsNotationEditor almost completed, yet. It uses segmented notation. It shall giving you better throughput doing songs that contain many notes. But requires additional changes to ags-play-notation recall.

New widgets

In view of the refactoring following widget are moved to

The AgsPiano widget is based on AgsMeter code of which doesn't exist anymore. The AgsScrolledPiano adds scrolling support to it. It was heavy extended to match the needs of a reusable widget.

AgsNotebook is basically a scrolled horizontal button box. It has enumerated labeling feature allowing to set a prefix. It is basically intended to be used to indicate what group is active.

Message delivery

After some concerns regarding to the Apple Mac OS X port. An asynchronous messaging delivery mechanism was introduced by following objects:

Thought it is unsure if it is used in 1.2.x.

Record audio data

The backend is available, now. But still missing is ags-capture recall and AgsAudiorec machine. It is uncertain if an audio editor is added, soon.

by Joël

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