newsAdvanced Gtk+ Sequencer - News


GSequencer v3.3.x release goals

Item posted by Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann> on Fri 17 Apr 2020 12:36:11 PM UTC.

The goal of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer v3.3.x is to abandon existing AgsRecall implementations. With the intention to simplify the API. The new recall implementations are going to be place in ags/audio/fx.

These 11 recalls won't get any counterpart, their functionality are going to be merged into the new AgsRecall implementations.

Else the mapping would be as following

recall             | fx counterpart
ags-buffer         | ags-fx-buffer
ags-play           | ags-fx-playback
ags-copy-pattern   | ags-fx-pattern
ags-play-notation  | ags-fx-notation
ags-play-wave      | ags-fx-wave
ags-ladspa         | ags-fx-ladspa
ags-dssi           | ags-fx-dssi
ags-lv2            | ags-fx-lv2
ags-peak           | ags-fx-peak
ags-volume         | ags-fx-volume
ags-analyse        | ags-fx-analyse
ags-eq10           | ags-fx-eq10
ags-envelope       | ags-fx-envelope

Further, you won't have to combine ags-fx-notation with ags-fx-dssi or ags-fx-lv2 instruments anymore. Because the new plugin recalls should know how to handle notation.

Fx recalls follow the principle of rich functionality. Contrary to the original API tried to make things as modular as possible.

by Joël

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