fangle Literate Programming - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Fangle is a literate programming technique for TexMacs or Lyx (and Latex) inspired by notangle.
It comes in two parts. The weave part that produces the formatted document is implemented entirely in TeXmacs or Latex macros, and the tangle that generates the source code is implemented in awk for portability.
Naturally, fangle is written using literate programming techniques, using itself, and so the source is also the documentation.
The source is written using the TeXmacs document editor. Lyx is not required, but fangle provides formatting support for Lyx.
Literate programming makes you write good code, because if you can't write a good justification or explanation for your code, it makes you think again and write something that you can explain.
* Generics / macros. Fangle macros accept parameters, so generic algorithms can be expressed, and then invoked in the code using any particular types or parameters - like C macros, but with all the literate goodness and without all the backslash ugliness.
* Latex lstlistings used for code chunk formatting, with automatic markup for dozens of language types.
* Automatic escaping and quoting. You can include a shell-script chunk in a makefile and have all the $ escaped to $$ automatically in the extracted source. You can include a text file in a // comment or a " string and have the appropriate escaping done automatically!
* Never worry about code documentation again!
* Fangle has a makefile stub, that will automatically extract all project sources, making fangle easy to integrate with standard Makefile projects (including automake and autoconf).
Registration Date: Mon 18 Jan 2010 02:23:35 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by samjam, Sat 11 Jun 2011 03:51:11 PM UTC
Fangle is now ported to TeXmacs and bootstrapped within TeXmacs meaning that the fangle script is re-produced from by it's own operation.
So fangle is now developed in TeXmacs
TeXmacs is a great editor with expressive macro support allowing for full WYSIWYG literate programming experience.

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