patchmldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client - Patches: patch #5062, Implement Emule's collections


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patch #5062: Implement Emule's collections

Submitter:  Fabiano <fabtar>
Submitted:  Sun 30 Apr 2006 05:18:00 PM UTC
Votes: 5
Category:  Improved interfaces Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  In Progress Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

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Thu 02 Aug 2007 08:08:27 PM UTC, comment #11: 

Please try patch #6130

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Thu 31 May 2007 08:56:14 PM UTC, comment #10: 

I don't understand what you mean by "pre-defined".
The idea was that the files should inherit the rights and ownership of the collection, since they're just a "continuation" of its download.

pango <mlpango>
Group Member
Thu 31 May 2007 08:00:13 PM UTC, comment #9: 

Hm, I have to think about it.
Per definition a new download should have
user_group = user_default_group, not a pre-defined one.

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Sep 2006 07:29:21 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Updated for multiuser patch.
Problem, I wanted collection's files to get the same ownership as the collection itself, but network_parse_url takes a user parameter, but no group.

I think it should be added...

pango <mlpango>
Group Member
Sun 30 Apr 2006 05:18:00 PM UTC, comment #7: 

This item has been reassigned from the project mldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client task tracker to your tracker.

The original report is still available at task #5338

Following are the information included in the original report:

[field #0]                  Item ID: 5338
[field #1]                 Group ID: 1409
[field #2]              Open/Closed: Open
[field #3]                 Severity: 3 - Normal
[field #4]                  Privacy: Public
[field #6]                 Category: eDonkey-plugin
[field #7]             Submitted by: fabtar
[field #8]              Assigned to: None
[field #9]             Submitted on: lundi 20.03.2006 à 20:34
[field #10]                  Summary: Implement Emule s collections
[field #11]      Original Submission: Emule s collections are useful for series.they are nice
[field #13]               Item Group: None
[field #14]                   Status: Ready For Test
[field #15]        Component Version: None
[field #16]         Operating System: None
[field #17]          Reproducibility: None
[field #18]               Size (loc): None
[field #19]            Fixed Release: None
[field #20]          Planned Release: None
[field #21]                   Effort: 0.00
[field #25]                 Priority: 3 - Low
[field #26]          Should Start On: lundi 20.03.2006 à 01:00
[field #27]    Should be Finished on: lundi 20.03.2006 à 01:00
[field #28]         Percent Complete: 0%
[field #30]                  Release: None
[field #55]     Custom Select Box #1: None
[field #56]     Custom Select Box #2: None
[field #57]     Custom Select Box #3: None
[field #58]     Custom Select Box #4: None
[field #59]     Custom Select Box #5: None
[field #60]     Custom Select Box #6: None
[field #61]     Custom Select Box #7: None
[field #62]     Custom Select Box #8: None
[field #63]     Custom Select Box #9: None
[field #64]    Custom Select Box #10: None

pango <mlpango>
Group Member
Sun 30 Apr 2006 05:17:57 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Would benefit from the "small files slot" patch

pango <mlpango>
Group Member
Sat 22 Apr 2006 10:34:23 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Sorry I have mis-read your reply dlinkS<->dlink . thanks for this new command.
It is quite difficult to find out specification about emule's features.My current attempt to search for detailed infos (to help you with infos) has not been succesful.

Fabiano <fabtar>
Sat 22 Apr 2006 05:58:17 PM UTC, comment #4: 

I wrote dllinkS, not dllink; So it's even simpler than you think, just one more command, which is what I meant.
That also means it's very easy to implement (untested patch attached).
Maybe parsing could be made slightly more clever, bypassing comments etc. (what is allowed in an emulecollection exactly ?)

pango <mlpango>
Group Member
Sat 22 Apr 2006 12:40:57 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I perfectly understand lack in develop resources.this operation seems a combination of already present functions/commands.
I perfectly understand this result could be reach by creating bash scripts or similar but adding an integrated automation 'll be a valuable improvement.
You have pointed that you need to execute dllink on downloaded collection... compose automatically already implemented fetures seems something worthing. (/imho emule is quite the standard for ed2k net, going towards emule's features and standards could be a good choice /imho

Fabiano <fabtar>
Fri 21 Apr 2006 09:57:59 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Or run the dllinks command on the .emulecollection file once it's downloaded...

pango <mlpango>
Group Member
Thu 06 Apr 2006 09:36:08 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Are there any specs?

As far as I understand a collection is just a textfile with ed2k links in them, so it should be fairly easy to implement rudimentary support if we know how its supposed to work.

A simple way to try it out would be to run the file through a bash script that submits every line of the file to mldonkey.

It would be more clever to emulate BT:s multifile support, but that seems much more difficult.

Joakim Verona <jave>
Group Member
Sun 30 Apr 2006 05:18:00 PM UTC, original submission:  

Emule's collections are useful for series.they are nice

Fabiano <fabtar>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #10846:  emulecollections_v2.patch added by mlpango (1KiB - text/x-patch)
file #9821:  emulecollections.patch added by mlpango (1KiB - text/x-patch)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by balamutick (Voted in favor of this item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by mlpango (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by spiralvoice (Posted a comment)

    There are 5 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 7 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2010-09-20 balamutick Carbon-Copy- Added balamutick
    2007-08-02 spiralvoice CategoryNone Improved interfaces
        Priority3 - Low 5 - Normal
        StatusNone In Progress
        SummaryReassigned item: Implement Emule\'s collections Implement Emule's collections
    2006-09-25 mlpango Attached File- Added emulecollections_v2.patch, #10846
    2006-04-30 mlpango Reassign itemFrom group mldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client, task tracker To group mldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client, patch tracker

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