Samizdat - Patches: patch #5883, calendar patch 0.6.1 [vs 080703-2]
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patch #5883: calendar patch 0.6.1 [vs 080703-2]
Follow 12 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2008-08-23 | boud | Attached File | - | Added 080823_calendar-0.6.1.patch, #16339 | |
Summary | calendar patch 0.6 [vs 080703-2] | calendar patch 0.6.1 [vs 080703-2] | |||
2008-08-20 | boud | Summary | calendar patch 0.5.2 | calendar patch 0.6 [vs 080703-2] | |
2008-08-20 | boud | Attached File | - | Added 080820_calendar-0.6.patch, #16319 | |
2007-11-01 | boud | Attached File | - | Added 071101_calendar_0.5.2.patch, #14270 | |
Summary | calendar patch 0.5.1 | calendar patch 0.5.2 | |||
2007-09-29 | boud | Summary | calendar patch 0.5 | calendar patch 0.5.1 | |
2007-09-29 | boud | Attached File | - | Added 070929_calendar_0.5.1.patch, #14041 | |
2007-08-13 | boud | Attached File | - | Added 070813_calendar_0.5.patch, #13655 | |
Summary | calendar patch 0.4 | calendar patch 0.5 | |||
2007-05-08 | boud | Attached File | - | Added calpatch, #12722 | |
Summary | calendar patch 0.3 | calendar patch 0.4 |
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