patchSamizdat - Patches: patch #5936, version 0.2 of sms2samizdat - open...


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patch #5936: version 0.2 of sms2samizdat - open publishing of smses on newswire and/or centre column

Submitter:  Boud Roukema <boud>
Submitted:  Thu 17 May 2007 12:32:57 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  7 - High
Status:  Works For Me Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Wed 23 May 2007 12:35:50 AM UTC, comment #1: 

hi samizdat-devel,

This is a patch against

There are several small changes from 0.1 to 0.2 of sms2samizdat.

(1) config.yaml
(2) .procmailrc
(3) frontpage_controller.rb
(4) resource_controller.rb


A brief description of the changes:

  • resource_controller  should not rely on the prefix 'sms' for

sms2email files as defined in .procmailrc - in version 0.1 it was
obligatory that filename start with the string 'sms'.

** In 0.2 this is configurable in config.yaml with e.g.
as the default.

  • CGI.escape:

Some sms companies escape non-alphanumeric characters e.g. ",
and although they should (i presume) add this header:
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
instead they only put these two headers:
 Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2
 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

** In 0.2 there's a parameter in config.yaml (by default commented
out) which if set, will call CGI.unescape( ) on both @subject and
@body of the sms/email:
 unconvert_quoted_printable: true

It does require that  Content-transfer-encoding: matches either 7BIT or
quoted-printable, which may reduce the number of cases in which it's
used unnecessarily.

However, i'm interested in what people think of the risks. Unescaping
anything is not a good idea unless you're reasonably sure that it should
be unescaped - otherwise you allow control characters etc. into your

What do people think of the security aspect here?

  • case insensitivity of email addresses (a mobile phone may by default

set the first letter of an address in upper case; in general case should
not matter).
** 0.2 - done

  • requirement that username in From: matches /[0-9]{8}@/

** 0.2 - this requirement has been added so that it should block a fair
degree of (script kiddie type) people who might try to send ordinary
email (spam) to the address instead of sms'es. Other checks could be
possible, but in 0.1 there was no such constraint.

  • protect against e.g. Subject: NaN, ensure that these are strings

** 0.2 @subject and @body are both .to_s'ed.  Without this, sending
NaN as the Subject leads to an error because it leads to a nil title,
since it's considered to be a numerical value: nil.


Installing this on a production site - on an old fedora distribution -
made it impossible (or not obvious anyway) how to use .procmailrc.
Sensitivity to directory/file privileges by both the MDA for incoming
email and by the apache user made it difficult for direct communication
between the two by the creation and reading/deletion of files. So
instead i wrote a simple hardwired script for cp-ing/chmoding/chowning,
which can be run by a cron job.

Should this script be part of the samizdat distribution? IMHO mail is
a non-trivial thing (because of the well-known risks of abuse and/or
human error and/or human ignorance of email standards) and creating a
general solution which works on a wide number of systems but is also
secure is not trivial. Procmail is fairly standard, so IMHO a
.procmailrc file should be enough as part of a "standard" version
of samizdat (if the version including an sms2samizdat interface looks
anything at all like my patch :).

The code fragment in resource_controller has got longer and longer,
more like typical fortran77 ;) than ruby oo code. Any should feel
welcome to modularise/oo-ify it more.


On Thu, 17 May 2007, boud wrote:

> (.) RISKS +
> (1) email spam * use spamassassin * turn on only temporarily during rapid
> events
> ** only publish the email address widely if enough people will be online
>   to openly edit them (or possibly moderate) - the sms's are published
>   with openediting turned on.
> (2) SMS/MMSes are removed (for confidentiality) after publishing, even
>  if extraction of non-text content (photos etc) is not implemented
> ** In config.yaml turn on the parameter:   do_not_delete_old_smses  . A
>  sysadmin could then potentially publish the media items later.


(file #12839)

Boud Roukema <boud>
Group Member
Thu 17 May 2007 12:32:57 AM UTC, original submission:  

hi samizdat-devel

Here's version 0.1 of sms2samizdat. If there are no unfixed bugs
reported within the next week, then it is likely to be tested in a
real (big) event, but on just one small local independent media site.

The patch below is against  i'll probably test against
20070509 soon and i'll post an updated patch if the present patch fails
against it.

(1) defaults.yaml + config.yaml
(2) .procmailrc
(3) frontpage_controller.rb
(4) resource_controller.rb

(.) RISKS +
(1) email spam
** use spamassassin
** turn on only temporarily during rapid events
** only publish the email address widely if enough people will be online
   to openly edit them (or possibly moderate) - the sms's are published
   with openediting turned on.
(2) SMS/MMSes are removed (for confidentiality) after publishing, even
  if extraction of non-text content (photos etc) is not implemented
** In config.yaml turn on the parameter:   do_not_delete_old_smses  . A
  sysadmin could then potentially publish the media items later.

(1) publishing is delayed by caching mechanisms
** either users must frequently publish articles/coments or the caching
   delay should be set short enough to frequently show updates
** calling a samizdat ruby script by .procmailrc would solve this problem,
   but potentially allow blocking the website through an email avalanche.

(2) MMS (multimedia messaging service)
** 1.0.7  April 27, 2007
- strips advertising from MMSes, specific parameters of a bunch of
US-based(?) mobile phone companies are in ruby files and .yml files

(3) Lots of checks missing on sysadmin errors, e.g. if non-mail files
  e.g. binary are copied to/created in the directory where the sms emails
  should lie.
** (easy) Add some more sanity checks before taking the file seriously.

The special event option enables linking smses sent to a defined email
address automatically to the focus for that event.  This requires
using either an existing user or (better) creating a special "focus
user" by hand, as in a standard gnu/linux system which has a whole
bunch of nonhuman special users ;), e.g. www-data, postgres, ... 

In principle this means that the people participating in an action
can present a live, centre column feed without requiring any moderator
(nor sysadmin, unless there's a bug) intervention.

The only delay in publishing is due to caching - either a user's
intervention (adding a reply, editing an article, publishing an
article) is required or the cache delay needs to pass. Decreasing the
cache timeout during a big event would increase the rapidity of the
updates, but also slow down the number of pages served per
second. However, given that users will notice the obvious update to
the content, they may consider this desirable.

The un-caching process for event smses is a two step process, since it
occurs through frontpage_controller.rb. This is not necesarily a bad
thing. It gives users with logins some chance to improve the article,
remove advertising signatures, or moderators get a chance to hide
spam articles before they get to the central column - but all these
are post-publication, not pre-publication events - in the
indymedia/wiki/open-publishing tradition.


Boud Roukema <boud>
Group Member


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #12839:  070522_sms2samizdat_0.2 added by boud (11KiB - application/octet-stream)
file #12784:  070517_sms2samizdat_patch added by boud (9KiB - application/octet-stream)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by boud (Submitted the item)

    Follow 3 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2007-05-23 boud Attached File- Added 070522_sms2samizdat_0.2, #12839
        Summaryversion 0.1 of sms2samizdat - open publishing of smses on newswire and/or centre column version 0.2 of sms2samizdat - open publishing of smses on newswire and/or centre column
    2007-05-17 boud Attached File- Added 070517_sms2samizdat_patch, #12784

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