patchBos Wars - Patches: patch #7886, Sounds contribution for...


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patch #7886: Sounds contribution for Aircraftfactory, Artil, Destroyer and Shipyard

Submitter:  Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>
Submitted:  Fri 16 Nov 2012 05:11:13 AM UTC
Open/Closed:  Closed Status:  Done
Assigned to:  None

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Sat 22 Dec 2012 03:29:01 PM UTC, comment #9: 

I'm sorry for not responding earlier!

I will take a look at the audacity sources of other sounds (many thanks for pointing them out to me) and will provide a source file to match the existing ones. I might have to re-model the sounds first though.

Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>
Sat 22 Dec 2012 09:34:59 AM UTC, comment #8: 

Committed as revision 10196.

Applied in the development version. Thank you for the patch.

Michiel van der Wulp <mvw>
Group Member
Tue 18 Dec 2012 08:50:37 PM UTC, comment #7: 

Hi Iwan,
Do you have the Audacity project files from your sounds?
I see that that is the kind of "source" files that were submitted for some older sounds.
If you check out this with subversion, you will see the files:
svn co svn:// materials.bos

I listened at the files, and prepared for committing them. They are good, and a welcome addition.
But I would like to fulfill feb's request for the source files...

Michiel van der Wulp <mvw>
Group Member
Tue 18 Dec 2012 06:08:45 AM UTC, comment #6: 

I noticed that my submitted files were stereo, while bos wars seems to prefer mono files to save space. I attached a version with one channel (if the upload works this time).

(file #27115)

Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>
Tue 04 Dec 2012 01:22:16 AM UTC, comment #5: 

I found instructions for in the documentation (doc/media.html) that 22050 Hz should be used. Is this still up to date?

I made a tar.gz with 22050 Hz versions of these files. Perhaps it will be possible to attach it. If not:

Part-related: I am now not sure what "source" means to you in the case of art (you have a list of source-less art "As a special exception the sources are not required for the following files:" which is a confusing phrase too. Is it explained anywhere why such an exception for these files exists?)

(file #27032)

Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>
Mon 03 Dec 2012 12:18:02 PM UTC, comment #4: 

My attempt to upload the file

Michiel van der Wulp <mvw>
Group Member
Sun 02 Dec 2012 06:01:14 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I seem to be unable to attach files. I do not get an error message. I uploaded it somewhere else instead:

Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>
Sun 02 Dec 2012 05:53:57 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Thanks for reminding me, I didn't realize that I forgot to upload the zip.

Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>
Sun 02 Dec 2012 08:52:13 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hallo Iwan,
can you attach I'm attaching as promised?

Michiel van der Wulp <mvw>
Group Member
Fri 16 Nov 2012 05:11:13 AM UTC, original submission:  


I created some sounds using my own voice and public domain (cc0) sounds from

I made sounds for Aircraft factory, Artil, Destroyer and Shipyard.

I'm attaching .

I license the included .wav files under GPLv2 or later but they are also available under CC-BY-SA v3 or later (dual licensing).

The changes to the .lua files are too minor to be protect-able by copyright. If you disagree, then I release them to cc0/public domain them or if you don't want to accept that then you can use them under GPL v2 or later.

Iwan 'qubodup' Gabovitch <> <>

Feel free to remove anything between <> or '' if you want to keep your attribution lines short.

As for the sources: is a mix of and
hydraulic sounds are the best!

artil.*.wav are mixes of and
I imagined a sociopath driver/gunman, who is grumpy, because he has to sit in this very isolated, plated vehicle all day, which is why he prefers not to talk.

artil.die.wav is a mix of and

destroyer.*.wav are mixes of and
I was thinking about the voice of StarCraft's Battle Cruiser captains but mine turned out very different. :)

destroyer.die.wav is a mix of and

shipyardselect is an edit of

Destroyer and Heli "background sfx templates" for the voice lines are included in

I used Audacity.

To make my voices sound spoken-through-a-radio-like I followed the instructions seen in (video and text in description)

I called for women to voice act for Bos Wars on two forums:

Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #27115:  qubodup-bosfx-20121116-22050-mono.tar.gz added by qubodup (642KiB - application/x-gzip - 22050 Hz, mono version)
file #27032:  qubodup-bosfx-22050-20121204.tar.gz added by qubodup (1MiB - application/x-gzip - 22050 Hz versions of the sounds mentioned above)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by mvw (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by qubodup (Submitted the item)

    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2012-12-22 mvw Open/ClosedOpen Closed
        StatusNone Done
    2012-12-18 qubodup Attached File- Added qubodup-bosfx-20121116-22050-mono.tar.gz, #27115
    2012-12-04 qubodup Attached File- Added qubodup-bosfx-22050-20121204.tar.gz, #27032

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