patchSpamAssassin Milter Plugin - Patches: patch #7067, reject based on spamassassin rule


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patch #7067: reject based on spamassassin rule

Submitter:  Marshal Newrock <marshal>
Submitted:  Mon 18 Jan 2010 05:37:10 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  3 - Low
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Mon 18 Jan 2010 05:37:10 AM UTC, original submission:  

This adds the ability to reject a message which has been marked as spam, but which is less than the score to reject message (-r NN), based on the presence of an individual rule.  This allows some margin of error.  Rule scores would not have to be increased to the point where the message is always marked as spam.


Given the following spamassassin rules:


You could add '-N LOCAL_BADRULE_MATCH' to reject any spam which appears to be an advance fee fraud.

Marshal Newrock <marshal>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #19510:  spamass-milter.cpp.patch added by marshal (2KiB - application/octet-stream)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by marshal (Submitted the item)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follows 1 latest change.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2010-01-18 marshal Attached File- Added spamass-milter.cpp.patch, #19510

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