peopleTiger UNIX security tool - People at Savannah: View a Job


Testing needed for Hurd/BSD/Linux distributions for Tiger UNIX security tool

Category: Tester
Submitter: jfs
Date: Mon 16 Dec 2002 10:49:18 PM UTC
Status: Open

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The Tiger security tools were originally developed to provide a check of UNIX systems on the Texas A&M campus that wanted to be accessed from off campus (clearance through the packet filter). As such, the TAMU group needed something that anyone could run to test the security of a system if they could figure out how to get it down to their machine. It was written around the same time that Cops, SATAN and ISS' Internet Scanner was. Eventually, and after 2.2.4 was released (around 1994), development on Tiger stopped.

Development of the tool restarted in 2003 and it is now being developed to make it useful for newer versions of the UNIX operating systems it once supported. Source code improvements developed by Advanced Research Computing (which produced a fork called TARA,, HP, and Debian GNU/Linux (packages available at have been merged in order to provide a common source code base. The new release was labelled as 3.0 . This and newer releases are now available in Savannah.

For more information plase review the project's website at or the Wikipedia entry at

License GNU General Public License v2 or later

Development Status
: 5 - Production/Stable

Details (job description, contact ...):

A tester is need to evaluate the working status of the latest Tiger release (3.1) for the some free software operating systems (Hurd/BSD/Linux).

Testers are encouraged also to determine which changes have to be done to the codebase in order to provide a working Tiger for these environments.

Required Skills:

Skill Level Experience

(No skill inventory set up)

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