mainTiger UNIX security tool - Summary

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7 active members

Group identification
Id: 2247
System Name: tiger
Name: Tiger UNIX security tool
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The Tiger security tools were originally developed to provide a check of UNIX systems on the Texas A&M campus that wanted to be accessed from off campus (clearance through the packet filter). As such, the TAMU group needed something that anyone could run to test the security of a system if they could figure out how to get it down to their machine. It was written around the same time that Cops, SATAN and ISS' Internet Scanner was. Eventually, and after 2.2.4 was released (around 1994), development on Tiger stopped.

Development of the tool restarted in 2003 and it is now being developed to make it useful for newer versions of the UNIX operating systems it once supported. Source code improvements developed by Advanced Research Computing (which produced a fork called TARA,, HP, and Debian GNU/Linux (packages available at have been merged in order to provide a common source code base. The new release was labelled as 3.0 . This and newer releases are now available in Savannah.

For more information plase review the project's website at or the Wikipedia entry at

Registration Date: Wed 12 Jun 2002 09:54:13 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Tiger 3.2.3 released: bug fix release
     posted by jfs, Wed 10 Sep 2008 07:44:18 AM UTC

A new version of Tiger (3.2.3) has been released. This version is mainly a bug fix release that incorporates all the fixes introduced in Debian since the 3.2.2 release.

It also updates Linux' gen_mounts to support many more filesystems and provides a way for local administrators to define local and non-local filesystems. Which makes it easier [...]

Offline audit scripts now available
     posted by jfs, Mon 27 Aug 2007 07:31:52 PM UTC

Tiger version 3.2.2 now includes the all new 'audit scripts' written by Marc Heuse.

One common problem when auditing the security of 'live' (production) systems is that the administrator doesn't want the auditor to run a complex set of scripts (such as Tiger). This set of scripts can be used for offline audit of different operating systems. [...]

New 3.2.2 release
     posted by jfs, Mon 27 Aug 2007 07:22:59 PM UTC

After a long time the new 3.2.2 release is available. This release is basicly a bug fix release, introducing many of the changes available in CVS (and in the patches introduced in the Debian packages) which have been generated over the past time. [...]

Download of releases (temporary)
     posted by jfs, Tue 27 Apr 2004 06:57:49 PM UTC

While we are preparing a new release people might wonder were the old releases are. Well, they are hard to find (at least for me) but they are available at

This download area can be used while I struggle in order to get my GPG signature to be added properly so that I can submit files to the new download [...]

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 Patch Manager (open items: 15, total: 55)

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