GSL Shell - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
GSL shell offers an interactive command-line interface that gives access to GSL collection of mathematical functions. GSL shell is based on the powerful and elegant scripting language Lua.
GSL shell is not just a wrapper over the C API of GSL but does offer much more simple and expressive way to use GSL.
The objective of GSL shell is to give the user the power of easily access GSL functions without having to write a complete C application.
Registration Date: Thu 13 Aug 2009 12:24:48 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by francesco, Mon 27 May 2013 09:33:28 PM UTC
The General Data Table implementation is now completed. All the related functions are documented in a specific chapter of the user's manual.
A family of plotting functions to create plots based on table's data are available and documented.
The function for linear regression now correctly handle most corner cases and complex factor products.
The functions to create tables and read CVS files were improved. A function for univariate interpolation based on gdt tables was introduced.
posted by francesco, Sun 30 Oct 2011 02:05:40 PM UTC
This new release of GSL Shell is a major change both in term of features and implementation.
First the functions are now organized into different modules for a greater clarity of the code. Then the semantic of the arithmentic operations with numbers and matrix is now much more user-friendly. The multiplication operator ‘*’ does perform now
posted by francesco, Sun 21 Nov 2010 04:17:29 PM UTC
The release 1.0 beta2 is finally out for testing. This release brings a lot of new features mainly in the graphical engine but also in the GSL implementation.
With the new graphical engine it is possible to do animations by using multiple graphical layers. It is also possible to layout multiple plots on a window and a new function to perform
posted by francesco, Sat 26 Jun 2010 10:21:08 AM UTC
I'm glad to announce the release 0.10.0 of GSL Shell. This new release does improve GSL Shell in several ways to make it more reliable and simple to use.
Here a short list of the more important changes with this release of GSL Shell:
- A contour plot algorithm is implemented. It is written entirely in Lua and it is quite fast and robust. The

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