JNoteBook - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
JNoteBook allows to store simple notes with one or more tags. First add Tag. Then add note. First line of the note is taken as title.
This is in very beginning stage. So code is not organized properly. But it works and I am using it.
I mainly use it as,
1. A note storing app. Keeps information as tags-data kind of mode.
2. A dictionary. any language can be used. I use it as English - Malayalam dictionary.
3. A Dairy. years, months are main keys. you can add more tags if you want. First line of the note should be date like yyyy-mm-dd, then it will sort properly.
Registration Date: Sat 09 Aug 2014 10:28:31 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha

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