mainlwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack - Summary

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35 active members

Group identification
Id: 3159
System Name: lwIP
Name: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite that has been initially developed by Adam Dunkels and is now continued here.

The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce resource usage while still having a full scale TCP. This makes lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM.

Main features include:
- Protocols: IP, IPv6, ICMP, ND, MLD, UDP, TCP, IGMP, ARP, PPPoS, PPPoE
- DHCP client, DNS client (incl. mDNS hostname resolver), AutoIP/APIPA (Zeroconf), SNMP agent (v1, v2c, v3, private MIB support & MIB compiler)
- APIs: specialized APIs for enhanced performance, optional Berkeley-alike socket API
- Extended features: IP forwarding over multiple network interfaces, TCP congestion control, RTT estimation and fast recovery/fast retransmit
- Addon applications: HTTP(S) server, SNTP client, SMTP(S) client, ping, NetBIOS nameserver, mDNS responder, MQTT client, TFTP server

lwIP is licenced under a BSD-style license:

Contrib code has been moved to the main repository, subdir 'contrib'.

Github CI building lwip master:

Registration Date: Thu 17 Oct 2002 09:13:13 PM UTC
License: Modified BSD License
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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lwIP 2.2.1 released
     posted by goldsimon, Thu 06 Feb 2025 07:43:03 AM UTC

lwIP 2.2.1 is now available from the lwIP download area or via git (using the STABLE-2_2_1_RELEASE tag) or via this gitweb link:

This is mostly a bugfix release, summing up all fixes of the last 1.5 years.

Thanks for all contributions!


lwIP 2.2.0 released
     posted by goldsimon, Mon 25 Sep 2023 07:53:35 PM UTC

lwIP 2.2.0 is now available from the lwIP download area
or via git (using the STABLE-2_2_0_RELEASE tag) or via this gitweb link:

There have been some bugs fixed, and some new features were added (most notably full ACD support). [...]

lwip 2.2.0.rc1 released
     posted by goldsimon, Thu 29 Jun 2023 08:33:47 PM UTC

The 1st release candidate version for lwIP 2.2.0 is now available via git (using the STABLE-2_2_0_RC1 tag) or via this gitweb link:

This release brings us back to releasing off the master branch (instead of using a separate stable-branch, which hasn't [...]

lwIP 2.1.3 released
     posted by goldsimon, Wed 10 Nov 2021 06:52:43 PM UTC

lwIP 2.1.3 is now available from the lwIP download area
or via git (using the STABLE-2_1_3_RELEASE tag).

This is again a bugfix-only release on the 2.1.x branch fixing numerous smaller bugs. For a changelog, see the git log here: [...]

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