mainNumerical Cosmology - NumCosmo - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 11017
System Name: numcosmo
Name: Numerical Cosmology - NumCosmo
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The NumCosmo is a free software C library whose main purposes are to test cosmological models using observational data and to provide a set of tools to perform cosmological calculations. Particularly, the current version has implemented three different probes: cosmic microwave background (CMB),supernovae type Ia (SNeIa) and large scale structure (LSS) information, such as baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) and galaxy cluster abundance. The code supports a joint analysis of these data and the parameter space can include cosmological and phenomenological parameters. It is worth emphasizing that NumCosmo matter power spectrum and CMB codes were written independently of other implementations such as CMBFAST, CAMB, etc.

The library is structured in such way to simplify the inclusion of non-standard cosmological models. Besides the functions related to cosmological quantities, this library also implements mathematical and statistical tools. The former was developed to enable the inclusion of other probes and/or theoretical models and to optimize the codes. The statistical framework comprises algorithms which define likelihood functions, minimization, Monte Carlo, Fisher Matrix and profile likelihood methods.

Registration Date: Tue 12 Jun 2012 11:08:53 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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New release 0.9.0-4
     posted by vitenti, Fri 17 May 2013 04:13:16 PM UTC

- New cluster abundance examples in both C and Python, check it in [ ].
- Improved some sanity checks, work in progress.
- Split lapack and clapack detection in configure.
- Darkenergy now can use any model. [...]

Namespace Splitting and Improvements
     posted by vitenti, Sun 23 Dec 2012 12:53:57 AM UTC

The namespace of the library were split in NumCosmo and NumCosmoMath. All general purpose mathematical and statistical functions/objects are in the NumCosmoMath (Ncm) namespace and all cosmological functions/objects in NumCosmo (Nc).

The make command "make check" now works in every tested system (i586 x86_64) and (Arch Linux, openSUSE [...]

     posted by pennalima, Fri 21 Dec 2012 06:24:04 PM UTC

Distance posteriors from WMAP9 data were implemented. For details see (table 11).

New example: Confidence regions.
     posted by vitenti, Thu 13 Dec 2012 01:55:11 PM UTC

Added a new example to the homepage: ( ).
In this example we show how to calculate the confidence region of two parameters using the Likelihood Ratio object ( ), using both the likelihood ratio test and the Fisher matrix.

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