mainObjectify - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admins:
2 active members

Group identification
Id: 10323
System Name: objectify
Name: Objectify
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

I have been programming and working with computers for over 35 years and what has turned out to be the biggest problem for me is finding the information I am looking for.  In the past 20 years I have owned dozens of computers and made a couple of thousand tarballs and hundreds of backup CD-R and DVD-Rs.  Trying to find a particular spreadsheet, e-mail or photo is practically impossible.

So what I hope to accomplish with Objectify is:

  1. All of your data (documents, photos, music, videos, e-mail, etc.) is all stored it one place, so you always know exactly where it is.
  2. Data is organized so that you can easily find anything.
  3. Data can be accessed from any of your devices, at any time.
  4. It is secure so that if your laptop, external USB drive, memory stick, etc. is lost or stolen your data cannot be accessed.
  5. Non-private data can be shared with everyone.  A good example would be the CD database with the track listings, but more information on everything.

Registration Date: Wed 19 Aug 2009 04:28:59 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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Admin Name Change
     posted by redwards, Sun 08 Jul 2018 12:26:12 AM UTC

I legally changed my name from James Scott Edwards to Rachel Edwards in 2015.  I've been happily living full time as a woman for over 3 years now.

I'm still finding places where my "dead" name is still being used and this is one.  I decided that it was easier to add my new self as an additional Admin rather than trying to change my old username.

Remote Storage
     posted by jsedwards, Sat 28 Apr 2012 06:09:36 PM UTC

I have been making changes to the code to allow the storage to be on a remote machine.  I have done some tests and it appears to work.

I am going to create a Subversion branch to check in the code.  There is still a lot of work to be done, but I have been thinking about this for years and I am very excited to see it working.

Objectify Alpha_31.2 Released
     posted by jsedwards, Fri 20 Apr 2012 09:40:13 PM UTC

This is mostly a bug fix release, although I added some new options to a couple of apps.   Please read the RELEASE_NOTES file for the details.

The biggest change is that I created some Debian packages for this release.  They can be downloaded from the "packages" subdirectory:  [...]

Public Objects 111111-0030 Released
     posted by jsedwards, Sat 12 Nov 2011 01:59:12 PM UTC

I posted a new set of Public Objects last night.  I added all (I believe) of the files for Ubuntu GNU/Linux releases 10.04.3, 11.04, and 11.10.  Fedora GNU/Linux releases 8 and 9.  I also added the Ubuntu Rescue Remix files.

For the first time I have added some persons to the Public Objects. [...]

Quick Overview
 Memberlist (2 members)

Communication Tools
 Mailing Lists (0 public mailing lists)
 This group is looking for people (3 contributors wanted)

Development Tools
 Bug Tracker (open items: 10, total: 35)
 Task Manager (open items: 2, total: 2)

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