mainSVORI - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 8609
System Name: svori
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

An application for monitoring SVORI applicants while in the institution and in the community.

Registration Date: Mon 05 Jun 2006 06:35:10 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Back on-line
     posted by jbd, Mon 15 Sep 2008 03:21:39 PM UTC

After a lightning strike took out our network and servers back in early August, we are now back on-line and working on the project.

Turns out a lot of equipment didn't fail completely, but just became intermittently unreliable. Most of the equipment and a few cables had to be replaced (along with the development server). Testing has shown that things are back to their pre-strike level of reliability.

Release 152 Available
     posted by jbd, Mon 30 Jun 2008 12:53:37 AM UTC

This release fixes some minor bugs uncovered by testing (missing ProgramStatus code D, Missing textual descriptions of new ProgramStatus codes in Needs Report).

Release 151 ready for test
     posted by jbd, Sat 21 Jun 2008 04:44:51 AM UTC

This release fixes a bug (Full/part time not being saved), and adds a Summary Field to the LSI-R record, and references it in the Needs Form and Report. Also: The Withdrawn status has been added to the offender records.

This release changes the Offender, Needs, and LSI-R databases, so these will need to be exported, wiped & initialized, and imported if you are upgrading from a prior version.

Release 150 now available for testing
     posted by jbd, Tue 17 Jun 2008 02:25:15 AM UTC

This release adds a missing field and some additional fields to the Offender table, so if you have been using a prior version, be sure to export your Offender records; wipe and initialize the Offender table, and re-import what you exported. Otherwise, saves to the Offender table may not work.

This release also "compresses" the Offender tab so that it occupies less vertical space. And a number of Needs interventions were changed, eliminated and added.

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