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Group Description Type
[raytance] raytance Raytance is a realtime raytracer.
The first release has come
non-GNU software and documentation
[logo] Raytracer Projet de developpement d'un raytracer. non-GNU software and documentation
[rayuela] Rayuela Rayuela is a fiction writing editor non-GNU software and documentation
[rbrss] rbRSS: Ruby RSS Aggregator rbRSS is a Ruby/Gnome2 RSS aggregator. It uses libglade to avoid most of interface code. rbRSS is currently available in English and French. non-GNU software and documentation
[rcarpooling] Rcarpooling Rcarpooling is a web application that everyone can use to realize a car-pooling service. Essentially a user of this service can offer his/her car and ask for a passage. non-GNU software and documentation
[rcscope] RCscope RCscope is a GNU Emacs Cscope interface that follows modern (Emacs 25 and up) compilation-mode and occur-mode conventions, automatically manages Cscope index files, and even works over TRAMP. non-GNU software and documentation
[rdevelop] RDevelop - R plugin for MonoDevelop RDevelop is a MonoDevelop plugin providing support for the R language. non-GNU software and documentation
[rdiff-backup] rdiff-backup Command line mirroring+incremental backup utility, for efficient local and remote backups. MIGRATED TO - as of 13/08/2019 non-GNU software and documentation
[readies] Readies - Personal Finance Manager A simple Personal Finance Manager non-GNU software and documentation
[reakt] reakt This project will attempt to provide a replace for the proprietary Act! product. Act! is the best-of-breed in the contact management software space. non-GNU software and documentation
[rtai] Real Time Application Interface (for Linux) RTAI - the RealTime Application Interface for Linux - lets you write applications with strict timing constraints for your favourite operating system. non-GNU software and documentation
[rtmk] Real-time Microkernel This is rtmk, a free realtime microkernel released under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. non-GNU software and documentation
[realestate] realestate non-GNU software and documentation
[rftp] RealFTP non-GNU software and documentation
[ram-cms] Really Amazingly Modest Content Management System RAM-CMS is a web page content management system that is lightweight, simple, and portable. Flat file page storage (no database). Many server environments (PHP 4/5, Perl 5.6+, Classic ASP) supported. non-GNU software and documentation
[realtime] RealTime Shared calendar for small workgroups. non-GNU software and documentation
[rebot] Rebot Rebot is a bot to execute plain text applications by network. non-GNU software and documentation
[recaged] ReCaged ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing/Demolition/Vehicular Combat Game. non-GNU software and documentation
[recocalc] ReCoCalc (Precondition Calculus for Static Composition of Refactoring Operations) A library to compute the precondition of a sequence of refactoring operations. non-GNU software and documentation
[records] records non-GNU software and documentation
[reddit-shell] Reddit Shell A bandwidth-saving client for non-GNU software and documentation
[refefree] Refefree Programming Contest System non-GNU software and documentation
[regex-markup] regex-markup regex-markup performs regular expression-based text markup according to used-defined rules. This can be used to color syslog files as well as the output of programs such as ping, traceroute, gcc etc. The hierarchal rules-format is simple to understand, ye non-GNU software and documentation
[gnu-regexp] Regular Expressions for Java The gnu.regexp package provides a Java language implementation of standard NFA regular expression features and a convenient API for compiling, matching and manipulating regular expressions in a variety of popular syntaxes (Perl-style is the default). non-GNU software and documentation
[reindeer] Reindeer Semi-abstract API for the rendering of three-dimensional virtual scenes. non-GNU software and documentation

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