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Group Description Type
[fiku] Fiku A microkernel. non-GNU software and documentation
[fileutils] File Utilities The File Utilities are the basic file manipulation utilities of the GNU Operating System. This project has been decommissioned. It is now part of coreutils. Official GNU software
[fnm] FileName Manipulator non-GNU software and documentation
[filer] Filer - GNUstep File Management Interface Filer is a spatially oriented file manager. Goals are to include 1:1 window:folder ratio, iconic memory, and other sort of features. non-GNU software and documentation
[fileschanged] fileschanged fileschanged is a FAM (File Alteration Monitor) client for GNU/Linux operating systems. It is a command-line utility that is used to monitor sets of files for alterations. non-GNU software and documentation
[filmweb-php] FilmWeb php non-GNU software and documentation
[fcproc] Filter Chains Processor Filter Chains Processor non-GNU software and documentation
[fbi-improved] FIM: Fbi IMproved FIM (Fbi IMproved) is a highly customizable and scriptable image viewer targeted at the users who are comfortable with software like the Vim text editor or the Mutt mail user agent. FIM aims to be a "Swiss Army knife" for viewing images. non-GNU software and documentation
[findme] FINDMe non-GNU software and documentation
[findutils] findutils GNU findutils includes find, xargs, locate and updatedb. These tools provide ways to search for files on your system by specifying what kind of file you're looking for. Official GNU software
[fine] FiNE - secure anonymous p2p Filesharing NEtwork secure anonymous p2p Filesharing NEtwork Infos at non-GNU software and documentation
[www-fi] Finnish translator team *INACTIVE* Tämä on projektisivu. Halukkaita suomentajia otetaan vastaan! translation teams
[fintan] fintan Speed-reader software non-GNU software and documentation
[firebrand] firebrand support for the Willems EEPROM programmer non-GNU software and documentation
[firefly] FireFly FireFly is a Complete Public Library system. It is being written in Python, Perl, with all data being stored in XML. The driving force behind this project is to give public libraries a Free-Software set to run and maintain library systems. non-GNU software and documentation
[fidentd] firewall ident daemon fidentd is a replacement for the ident daemon. It's new feature is, that if it runs on a firewall with NAT it forwards ident requests to the real client or it can generate an answer by looking at the real endpoints of the connection. non-GNU software and documentation
[firstjeudi] FirstJeudi non-GNU software and documentation
[fisicalab] FísicaLab FísicaLab is an educational application to solve physics problems. This consist of a chalkboard and a palette of components. Official GNU software
[fisoco] Fisoco FInd, Sort, Order and COnvert (and much more) your files with free software! (file manipulation) non-GNU software and documentation
[fitgallery] FitGallery FitGallery is a lightweight and powerfull gallery engine written in PHP for showing images and videos on the web with thumbnails that are located on the page optimizing space as much as possible. non-GNU software and documentation
[fituvalu] fituvalu non-GNU software and documentation
[fixmath] Fixmath - Fixed Point Library Fixmath is a library of fixed-point math operations and functions. The library is designed to be fast on platforms without floating-point support. non-GNU software and documentation
[flashcarbon] Flashcarbon Game System Flashcarbon is a full, Free system to develop scriptable computer games. non-GNU software and documentation
[flatback] Flatback - A simple filesystem archiver Flatback is an easy to use filesystem archiver. It supports largefiles, per-file compression, per-file checksumming, and uses a simple binary format. non-GNU software and documentation
[flawfinder] flawfinder Flawfinder is a program that examines source code and reports possible security weaknesses (``flaws'') sorted by risk level. It's very useful for quickly finding and removing at least some potential security problems before a program is widely release non-GNU software and documentation

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