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Group | Description | Type |
[achatina] Achatina | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[acl] acl | Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists | non-GNU software and documentation |
[acml] ACML and Libraries | Application Configuration Markup Language (ACML) is an XML DTD. This project is an attempt to introduce a unified format for application configuration files and to create libraries in all possible languages to access them. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[acom-c] ACoM-c | ACoM is a classification method of elementary flux modes. It helps to interpret large sets of efms using agglomeration of common motifs shared by these efms. Common motifs reveal biological functions and links between reactions. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[acrobot] Acrobot IRC bot | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[adabot] Adabot: RealtimeBattle bot implemented using Ada | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[addc] Adam's own DynDNS Client | Adam's own DynDNS Client- ADDC -is a small and simple commandline tool to help you update all your host entry information. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[adcd] adcd - A Diminutive CD player | Adcd is a cd player for GNU/Linux with a ncurses (text mode) interface. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[addressbook] Addressbook | AddressBook is a simple vCard based addressbook for Emacs. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[adgmix] ADGMix Another Damn Gtk Mixer | ADGMix is an OSS sound mixer with a gtk gui | non-GNU software and documentation |
[adhoc] adhoc | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[freeschool] Administration system for high school | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[adonthell] Adonthell | Adonthell is a free, graphical, single player role playing game that combines the best features of PC and Console style RPGs with an epic plot set in a detailed virtual world. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[aasm] Advanced Assembler | Advanced, modular and multi-architecture assembler. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[adgali] Advanced Game Library | Adgali is a library for game and multimedia programming. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[gsequencer] Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer | Advanced Gtk+Â Sequencer is a tree based audio processing engine, extensively using threads. Supporting LADSPA, DSSI and Lv2 plugin format. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[aimon] advanced information monitor | Unmaintained, move along... | non-GNU software and documentation |
[amguik] Advanced Module of GUI for Kernel | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[aping] Advanced ping program | Aping is a network ping program. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[tsac] Advanded system of control. TSAC (TSAC S | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[advent] Advent | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[aeskulap] aeskulap | DICOM network client and image viewer | non-GNU software and documentation |
[afg] AFG's a Free Game | AFG is a hacker-oriented 2D video game project. It aims at being a team-played Mars-themed side-scrolling strategy-action shooter. AFG agents work for independent organizations and hack government facilities in order to reveal their corrupt secrets. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[afghancalendar] Afghan Calendar | The aim of this project ( ) is to provide free available multilingual Afghan calendars, that are accessible on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality via free tools. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[afppowertools] AFP Power Tools | AFP Power Tools is a library and a set of utilities to manipulate AFP (Advanced Function Presentation), a format used for high-volume printing. | non-GNU software and documentation |
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