mainJMud Server - Support: sr #100916, How is the project?


sr #100916: How is the project?

Submitter:  John Doe <nospam>
Submitted:  Wed 15 May 2002 11:42:24 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  fmatheus
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Wed 29 May 2002 07:38:23 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Thanks for your interest.

I will try add more comments and translate exitent ones.

There is some Portuguese documents in /doc. Once we get
multi-lingual done, i will start translate that.

No diagrams, please tell me if you know some free too to
build then, and what diagrams could be of interest.

Fabrício Matheus Gonçalves <fmatheus>
Group administrator
Wed 15 May 2002 11:42:24 PM UTC, original submission:  

I think this an interesting project.

It seems that development has been a little slow
lately, though, but the idea of a multilingual and
multiplatform mud that is GPL is good IMHO.

I think you should try and keep english comments in the
sourcefiles though, since it will be hard for people
not speaking your language to read the sources otherwise.

I wonder if you have any design-documents/diagrams, and
if you want help with the coding.


Nospam .

John Doe <nospam>


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