mainGnoppix - Support: sr #103241, Gnoppix 0.6.0 rc2


sr #103241: Gnoppix 0.6.0 rc2

Submitter:  Francis Laurie Drake <Laurie>
Submitted:  Thu 05 Aug 2004 01:20:52 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  1 - Wish Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Thu 05 Aug 2004 01:20:52 PM UTC, original submission:  

Hi, I have recentley got my copy of Gnoppix 0.6.0 rc2.  However I have been having a few problems with it.  Firstly it says I need a password to add a new printer, which I don't have and can't find.  It also says that I need another password to change some other settings, again which I don't have. Please help me as I really need to use a printer and need the passwords. Also I would like to install it onto my hardrive but do not know my hard drive number, please tell me where I can find this. Please send any help you can give to: -email is unavailable-

Francis Laurie Drake <Laurie>


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