mainstoreBackup - Support: sr #107574, cannot exec


sr #107574: cannot exec

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 12 Jan 2011 08:55:14 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  Done
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  None
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Thu 27 Jan 2011 12:03:47 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Thanks for your suggestions. After several hours of error search, I finally identified the problem.

I had initially downloaded and unzipped the storeBackup-3.2.tar.bz2 file under Windows onto the NTFS harddisk which I wanted to backup. Simply copying the files to the ext3 destination harddisk did not solve the problem.

Finally I realized that the Windows line endings corrupted the perl files. Unzipping the storeBackup-folder under Linux to the ext3 disk worked perfectly. I have not yet tried if unzipping under Linux to the NTFS disk would also work.

Wed 12 Jan 2011 09:21:33 AM UTC, comment #2: 


please try to start directly. Does this is possible? What permissons are on that file?

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Wed 12 Jan 2011 09:18:54 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Very strange.

Can you do the following:

- store the backup on a linux file system, eg. ext3
- if you change the data on an ntfs filesyste, please double check the time stamps there (you may use llt delivered with storeBackup)

- send me a tar file with the source (maybe multipe because of changes) and target directories (please small examples only) so I can reproduce it

- a detailed description what you have done (you can eg. use 'script')

Please send the data directly via email to my account at

Thanks, HJC

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Wed 12 Jan 2011 08:55:14 AM UTC, original submission:  

For some days I tested storeBackup on a friend's computer running an Ubuntu Live CD. Source and destination were two USB HDDs.

The backups were only partly successful because many files were not backed up. Among other things, I tried destination HDDs with Ext3 as well as NTFS. Then I created a test directory with only 2 files in it. I did a back up, stored the log file, deleted the back up default directory, changed the files in the source directory and tried another backup, to find out why some files back up correctly while others don't.

First only Zip-files backed up correctly, exe files were dumped, so I thought there might be some problem with compression.
To be sure I kept the files constant and only changed their names, i.e. file types. Interestingly this has an influence on the backup, however not clearly correlated, sometimes Zip files make problems, sometimes only zip files are backed up. So the problem is probably elsewhere. Perhaps running it from a live CD?

Anyway, files sometimes do, sometimes don't back up. At the end of my tests, only Non-Zip files backed up, exactly the opposite behaviour from the beginning of my tests.

Here are the error messages from the first log file (txt and zip file types):

INFO      2011.01.11 21:43:43  6167 Checking checkdisk.txt [new]
INFO      2011.01.11 21:43:43  6167 Checking [new]
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:43:43  6176 cannot exec /media/USB_HDD25/Storebackup/lib/ bzip2 /media/USB_HDD25/Test/checkdisk.txt /media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.43.43/checkdisk.txt.bz2 /tmp/storeBackup-md5.dafabf19ee3eb1b0
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:43:43  6177 cannot exec /media/USB_HDD25/Storebackup/lib/ bzip2 /media/USB_HDD25/Test/ /media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.43.43/ /tmp/storeBackup-md5.94a1bd7a53aceff7
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:43:44  6167 cannot read recalced md5sum of </media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.43.43/checkdisk.txt>
WARNING   2011.01.11 21:43:44  6167 file </media/USB_HDD25/Test/checkdisk.txt> deleted during backup
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:43:45  6167 cannot read recalced md5sum of </media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.43.43/>
WARNING   2011.01.11 21:43:45  6167 file </media/USB_HDD25/Test/> deleted during backup

So, no file was backed up correctly. Then I changed the name of the first file to .zip and got:

INFO      2011.01.11 21:48:10  6334 Checking [new]
INFO      2011.01.11 21:48:10  6334 Checking commander.exe [new]
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:48:10  6342 cannot exec /media/USB_HDD25/Storebackup/lib/ bzip2 /media/USB_HDD25/Test/ /media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.48.10/ /tmp/storeBackup-md5.02791852fe98f256
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:48:12  6334 cannot read recalced md5sum of </media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.48.10/>
WARNING   2011.01.11 21:48:12  6334 file </media/USB_HDD25/Test/> deleted during backup

So, only the second file was backed up correctly. Changing the name of the first file to checkdisk.exe everything is fine, no backup error.

With the second file called, it does not back up.

Checking checkdisk.exe [new]
INFO      2011.01.11 21:51:36  6414 Checking [new]
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:51:36  6422 cannot exec /media/USB_HDD25/Storebackup/lib/ bzip2 /media/USB_HDD25/Test/ /media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.51.36/ /tmp/storeBackup-md5.252fe04fc155670f
ERROR     2011.01.11 21:51:38  6414 cannot read recalced md5sum of </media/USB_HDD25/Backup_Test/default/2011.01.11_21.51.36/>
WARNING   2011.01.11 21:51:38  6414 file </media/USB_HDD25/Test/> deleted during backup

I attached the complete log files. I would really appreciate you to give me some hint.





(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #22395:  txt_zip.log added by None (8KiB - application/octet-stream)
file #22396:  zip_exe.log added by None (7KiB - application/octet-stream)
file #22397:  zip_zip.log added by None (15KiB - application/octet-stream)
file #22398:  exe_zip.log added by None (7KiB - application/octet-stream)


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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2012-05-31 hjclaes StatusNone Done
    2011-01-12 None Attached File- Added txt_zip.log, #22395
        Attached File- Added zip_exe.log, #22396
        Attached File- Added zip_zip.log, #22397
        Attached File- Added exe_zip.log, #22398

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