mainpktools - Support: sr #108909, specifying inputs to pkcomposite


sr #108909: specifying inputs to pkcomposite

Submitter:  Daniel McInerney <dmci>
Submitted:  Tue 13 Oct 2015 10:41:19 AM UTC
Category:  Change request Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  1 - Wish Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  kempenep
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Thu 15 Oct 2015 09:12:08 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I agree this would make things easier and more consistent to the GDAL utilities. It would require a structural change in the way options are implemented now (class Optionpk). This also affects other utilities as they all should be consistent.
Due to low priority, this CR is postponed until later...

For now I circumvent this issue with a simple loop (in Linux):
pkcomposite $(for file in *.tif;do echo " -i $file";done) -o output.tif

Pieter kempeneers <kempenep>
Group administrator
Tue 13 Oct 2015 10:41:19 AM UTC, original submission:  

Currently each input to pkcomposite is specified using (-i), e.g.
pkcomposite -i image1.tif -i image2.tif -o output.tif

for consistency with gdal (and specifically it would be good if the user could simply specify the inputs with one (-i option), e.g.

pkcomposite -i image1.tif image2.tif -o output.tif

This change request is of low priority.

Daniel McInerney <dmci>


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