mainpyFormex - Support: sr #109021, .pyc files from external package...


sr #109021: .pyc files from external package not regenerated

Submitter:  Tran Phuong Toan <phuotran>
Submitted:  Tue 26 Apr 2016 01:52:59 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Thu 28 Apr 2016 08:05:21 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi Wouter,

The reload function is indeed working fine, so I'll use it in absence of a better alternative. Thanks for your answer !


Tran Phuong Toan <phuotran>
Group Member
Wed 27 Apr 2016 08:49:35 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Phuong,

this is because the modules are loaded, and if you call

import module

Python does not reloaded a module if it was already loaded (and pyFormex doesn't unload modules once the script finished).

What I usually do:

import module

Doesn't look nice but it works.

Wouter Devriendt <whdvrien>
Group Member
Tue 26 Apr 2016 01:52:59 PM UTC, original submission:  


I have two python files, one for my main pyFormex script (, and another one containing diverse classes ( with no import related to pyformex. In, I do

import foo

When running with the pyFormex GUI, foo.pyc gets created and the script can access the classes in If I make some changes in and tries to re-run, it seems that pyformex is still running the old version of I tried to delete the current foo.pyc, but it is not regenerated when re-running the script with pyformex. The only way I found is to restart the gui, which then regenerates the .pyc file.

Is this an expected behavior ? Is there a way around this ?

I'm using pyformex 1.0.2-a5 on Ubuntu 12.04.


Tran Phuong Toan <phuotran>
Group Member


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