mainpyFormex - Support: sr #110483, Script output not showing in...


sr #110483: Script output not showing in messaging area

Submitter:  Paul Jermihov <pjtree>
Submitted:  Tue 04 May 2021 08:26:16 PM UTC
Category:  Install Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  None
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Wed 05 May 2021 06:57:09 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi PJ,

Can you give me some more information about your installation:
- what version of pyFormex,
- what kind of installation: source clone or installed from .tar.gz
- how are you starting pyformex? With the pyformex command, or are you perhaps loading and executing from inside some IDE? What editor are you using?
- are you using some nonstandard Python interpreter?

Some commands that may give relevant information:

   python3 --version   # Or python --version for pyFormex < 2.0
   pyformex --whereami
   pyformex --detect

Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg>
Group administrator
Tue 04 May 2021 08:26:16 PM UTC, original submission:  


I completed the installation and I am able to run the example scripts. However, script output such as print statements are not making it to the messaging portion of the GUI. I can only see them in my editor. Is this normal? What sort of issue would cause this?

Thanks in advance,


Paul Jermihov <pjtree>


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