mainnyacc parser generator - Support: sr #111084, compile-ffi: error: no...


sr #111084: compile-ffi: error: no `define-ffi-module'

Submitter:  Felix Lechner <lechner>
Submitted:  Tue 25 Jun 2024 01:40:26 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Tue 25 Jun 2024 01:40:26 AM UTC, original submission:  


I would like to build FFI bindings for either Linux-PAM or OpenPAM.  Both have compatible APIs, so I tried a substitution via Autoconf:

(if (string=? "yes" "yes")
    (define-ffi-module (ffi pam)
      #:pkg-config "openpam"
      #:include '("security/pam_types.h")
      #:inc-filter (lambda (file-spec path-spec)
                     (or (string-contains path-spec "pam_")
                         (string-contains path-spec "openpam"))))
    (define-ffi-module (ffi pam)
      #:pkg-config "pam"
      #:include '("security/pam_modules.h" "security/pam_modutil.h" "security/pam_appl.h" "security/pam_ext.h")
      #:inc-filter (lambda (file-spec path-spec)
                     (string-contains path-spec "pam_"))))

One of the "yes" strings came from "--with-openpam".

The code looks like Scheme but doesn't actually run through Guile, right?  I get this error:

compile-ffi: error: no `define-ffi-module' in "ffi/pam.ffi"


Felix Lechner <lechner>


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