mainSavannah Administration - Support: sr #108500, User specification of...


sr #108500: User specification of "Subject" line doesn't seem to work

Submitter:  Glenn Golden <grepfor>
Submitted:  Sun 09 Feb 2014 10:11:29 PM UTC
Category:  Savannah website Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  In Progress
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  rwp
Operating System:  GNU/Linux Open/Closed:  Closed
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Sat 18 Feb 2017 03:19:20 AM UTC, comment #7: 

(triaging old savannah tickets)


Regarding this:

> there's an option ("Subject Line") to allow the user to specify
> a custom Subject line for messages. It doesn't seem to have any effect;

Bob has confirmed this is a bug, but sadly we currently do not have the man-power to address it (and evidently, didn't have it in the last 3 years since this ticket was opened).

I'm adding this idea to savannah's "todo/wishlist" page (#29):

On the bright-side, we've just made hacking on savannah's PHP code much easier.
If you (or others) wish to help, please see:

As such, I'm closing this ticket for now.

 - assaf

Assaf Gordon <agn>
Site Administrator
Sat 22 Mar 2014 11:01:13 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Okay.  I will tag this for me and get to it "eventually".  I haven't looked at that part of the PHP code before and have no idea yet what is involved in it.

Bob Proulx <rwp>
Site Administrator
Sat 22 Mar 2014 10:32:45 PM UTC, comment #5: 

fwiw, i'm fine with disabling it.

Karl Berry <karl>
Site Administrator
Sat 22 Mar 2014 10:21:45 PM UTC, comment #4: 

For some reason I never noticed your Comment #2 from 06-Mar, and just now saw your #3.

Interestingly though, the email that I received as a copy of your Comment #3 had the customized Subject field that I had set up.

So, given that, is it possible that what you meant by "the feature seems to only be active for your own postings" really means that "the feature seems to be active only for tickets for which you are the originator"? (By "originator" I mean the user listed in the "Submitted By" field.)

If this is the case, then I agree with your inclination to disable the feature, since in its present state it doesn't seem to behave per user expectation, and the way that it does behave -- providing the customized Subject line only for tickets which one originated -- doesn't seem to accomplish anything useful. It's often the case that a user contributes many comments to a ticket that they did not originate

This "usefulness" assessment is based on the assumption that the intent of the feature was to allow structuring the Subject line so that it could be used for mail filtering purposes at the destination host. But if it works only for self-originated postings and not for postings originated by others, then it would seem not to serve this purpose very well.

In short, I'm in agreement with you that it's probably better to disable it than leave it and have others waste their time setting it up only to find it doesn't behave as they probably expected.

Glenn Golden <grepfor>
Sat 22 Mar 2014 09:55:33 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I am going to go ahead and assign this to me since no one else has taken it.  But I don't see anything happening with it either.  I tagged this as moreinfo needed because I haven't heard any more discussion.  If there isn't anything more said then I will close the ticket.

My inclination is that it does what it does but that it probably isn't fully implemented.  I would be inclined to disable the partial implementation so that it isn't misleading.

Bob Proulx <rwp>
Site Administrator
Thu 06 Mar 2014 08:34:09 AM UTC, comment #2: 

This is a feature that I didn't know existed until your report.  I turned it on for me so that I could test the feature before commenting upon it.  And then rather forgot about it for a while.  Then messages started coming through with the subject header and I remembered it.

As far as I can see the feature seems to only be active for your own postings.  Other people's postings do not have the custom header.  By my own do.  I think that must be just the way it works.  Probably it was only partially implemented in the web site code.

The feature seems of limited utility.  But it seems to do what it seems to do.  There hasn't been active development of Savannah for a while.  It has been in a deep maintanence mode only.  There isn't really anyone to comment upon the feature or to implement changes to it.

If this is something you felt like contributing then patches would always be welcome.  But otherwise quite frankly I don't think it would get improved to handle that better otherwise.  Since so far no one has volunteered to own the ticket myself included.

While this does seem like incomplete implementation because it doesn't break the system in general and most people won't even notice I am downgrading the severity from important.

Bob Proulx <rwp>
Site Administrator
Sun 09 Feb 2014 10:20:20 PM UTC, comment #1: 

A little irony: When I received the Cc email pertaining to this bug report... it had the custom header!

Yet the bug reports from the project tracker I'm subscribed to (Octave) still have the standard headers.

I didn't see any means to customize the Subject line behavior on a per-project basis.... is there a way to do that that I missed?

Glenn Golden <grepfor>
Sun 09 Feb 2014 10:11:29 PM UTC, original submission:  

In the account configuration page

there's an option ("Subject Line") to allow the user to specify a custom Subject line for messages. It doesn't seem to have any effect; I changed it several days ago to a custom value, yet all received messages still have the standard header.

Glenn Golden <grepfor>


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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2017-02-18 agn Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2014-03-22 rwp StatusNeed Info In Progress
    2014-03-22 rwp StatusNone Need Info
        Assigned toNone rwp
    2014-03-06 rwp Severity4 - Important 2 - Minor

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