mainstoreBackup - Support: sr #108523, Strange problem with $PATH


sr #108523: Strange problem with $PATH

Submitter:  Alber <alberfilba>
Submitted:  Sat 01 Mar 2014 09:31:25 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Sun 02 Mar 2014 07:51:36 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Alber,

I don't have a Raspberry PI, so I can only try to solve the problem with your help :-) .

Can you send your answer via email directly to me? Using this platform to track down the problem is mostly painful and I don't want to publish patches before I know they work. After (hopefully) solving the problem you (or I) can show the result(s). Also, I don't want to patch version 3.4.3 but the upcoming version 3.5 (less work for me).

After playing around a little bit (by setting some variables arbitrary), I think the reason for the "uninitialized value" (line 2665) is that on your system PATH doesn't work correctly in combination with storeBackup (for whatever reason).
A few lines above the "uninitialized value" you find:

    my $uname = forkProc->new('-exec' => 'uname',
      '-outRandom' => "$tmpdir/uname-",
      '-prLog' => $prLog);

Can you change this to

    my $uname = forkProc->new('-exec' => '/bin/uname',
      '-outRandom' => "$tmpdir/uname-",
      '-prLog' => $prLog);

(I think 'uname' is located in /bin in your system also!?)
Can you also show the output of the command 'uname' (without options)? It should be 'Linux'.

I don't think this will solve your problem, but we have to track it down step by step.

Regards, Heinz-Josef

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Sat 01 Mar 2014 09:31:25 PM UTC, original submission:  

Hello storeBackup community!

I've been using storeBackup (sB) since v3.3 with no problems at all. I'm running it on a Raspberry Pi with the raspbmc distribution. The output of 'uname -a' is 'Linux raspbmc 3.6.11 #1 PREEMPT Sun Feb 3 04:42:21 UTC 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux'.

Since a year ago, every time sB is executed by cron, the backup fails because of the following error, as listed on the log file.

BEGIN     2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853 backing up directory </home/pi/SCRIPTS/StoreBackup/stbu_media_simlinks> to </media/BACKUP_EXT4/backups/media>
VERSION   2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853, 3.4.3
INFO      2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853 setting ARG_MAX to 4096
ERROR     2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853 the following programs are not in $PATH:
ERROR     2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853     which
ERROR     2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853 please install or check $PATH
ERROR     2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853 $PATH is /opt/storeBackup/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/opt/vc/bin:/home/pi/.xbmc-current/xbmc-bin/bin
ERROR     2014.03.01 21:40:56 15853 caught signal 1, terminating

Also, If I execute (from the command line) the script that calls sB with the proper arguments to perform the backup, I get the following error:

Use of uninitialized value in exists at /opt/storeBackup/bin/ line 2665.

The code line in (v3.4.3) line 2665 is:

if (exists $execParamLength{$$out[0]})

As you can see, it seems that sB cannot locate 'which' executable. However I can find it in /usr/bin, which happens to be in $PATH.
This has been a minor problem since I can perform successful backups with sB on the first time after a system reboot. However the following sB backup script executions fail with the mentioned problem. Isn't it weird?

I've upgraded sB to v3.4.3 but the problem persists. I've not tried to reinstall or upgrade raspbmc because it would be very difficult (aka PITA) to me to get it running as I've got it now.

Can you guess where the problem comes from? Is it sB or raspbmc? Any help or tip would be very welcome :D

Thanks for your attention!

Alber <alberfilba>


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