taskLinterna Mágica - Tasks: task #11341, Add support for The Public Domain...


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task #11341: Add support for The Public Domain Review

Submitter:  Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Submitted:  Thu 08 Sep 2011 12:22:02 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Thu 08 Sep 2011 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Sat 01 Oct 2011 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  New feature Priority:  3 - Low
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  valkov Open/Closed:  Closed
Planned Release:  0.0.11

Wed 28 Sep 2011 08:33:46 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Committed in r204. Basic/initial support for flowplayer and relative link fixing did the job. No special code for the site.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Thu 08 Sep 2011 12:22:02 PM UTC, original submission:  

[The Public Domain Review http://publicdomainreview.org/] hosts works in the public domain. Linterna Mágica works out of the box, but the extracted links are not correct.  It seems video and audio clips are hosted at The [Internet Archive  http://www.archive.org]. Few changes in the regular expressions should be enough to have it supported.

The flash embed code should be examined and if possible, recognised in a general-purpose way, so it could be used in other sites using similar approach. The flash player used at The Internet Archive is [flowplayer http://flowplayer.org/]. Flowplayer's configuration options are documented at http://flowplayer.org/documentation/configuration.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator


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