taskManeage - Tasks: task #15664, make target clean-texlive or...


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task #15664: make target clean-texlive or clean-tex

Submitter:  Boud Roukema <boud>
Submitted:  Tue 26 May 2020 06:59:28 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Tue 26 May 2020 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Tue 26 May 2020 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Percent Complete:  0%
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  0.00

Wed 27 May 2020 03:34:13 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Thanks for doing the Commit Raul, it was indeed a very interesting situation and I am happy we can now account for it. Let me know when it has been rebased over the Maneage branch and I'll merge it into Maneage :-).

To include that problem in Boud's suggested 'clean-texlive' rule, added with Boud's suggested steps, probably we can also add a special flag which will stop Maneage from using the "Software directory" for the TeXLive tarball.

Because ultimately the whole problem originated from the fact that you had 'install-tl-unx.tar.gz' (belonging to TeXLive 2019) with the tarballs of other software. Therefore Maneage was not downloading the 2020 installation tarball. It is really bad that TeXLive doesn't version its files :-(!

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Wed 27 May 2020 11:43:53 AM UTC, comment #1: 

You are right, Boud. The problem is with the mix of versions. But what you proposed didn't fix the problem because the old tarball were still present. So, the fix was to move the old tarball and download the new one to install it. Have a look at this commit: https://gitlab.com/makhlaghi/maneage-paper/-/commit/7078e50
With the help of Mohammad we were able to fix this annoying bug. Thanks to both of you! :-D

Raul Infante-Sainz <infantesainz>
Group Member
Tue 26 May 2020 06:59:28 PM UTC, original submission:  

Texlive presently apparently requires manual cleaning if you have a mix of old (pre-April of year X) installed package and new (April year X, up to March of year (X+1)) - see

It would be good to have an explict rule clean-tex or clean-texlive (which would users most naturally expect? or is it safe to include both, one as an alias?) which should do something similar to:

mv -v .local/texlive .local/texlive-old
rm -f .local/version-info/tex/texlive*

Boud Roukema <boud>
Group Member


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