taskManeage - Tasks: task #15680, Project's SoftwareHeritage link in...


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task #15680: Project's SoftwareHeritage link in final paper

Submitter:  Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Submitted:  Sun 07 Jun 2020 09:26:43 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Sat 06 Jun 2020 11:00:00 PM UTC Should be Finished on:  Sat 06 Jun 2020 11:00:00 PM UTC
Category:  Analysis Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Postponed Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Percent Complete:  0%
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  0.00

Sun 07 Jun 2020 09:26:43 PM UTC, original submission:  

SoftwareHeritage is designed for archiving (and later citing special parts of) software. With Maneage, a full project can also be archived there, the project's URL just has to be given to SoftwareHeritage, as explained in the publication checklist.

But it would help readers if a good SoftwareHeritage link was also present in the paper. I have to look more closely in its documentation, but so far, the best was I have found was through the actual host of the project. So for example for [1] we should use [2].

[1] https://gitlab.com/makhlaghi/maneage-paper.git
[2] https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://gitlab.com/makhlaghi/maneage-paper.git

In the current implementation of the Maneage paper, [2] is actually the URL that the highlighted "SoftwareHeritage" link points to (just under the abstract).

But there must be a better way to cite a hash that also has the full history. I tried using the hash of just one commit, but that  remove all other history, for example this one:


Probably this explained somewhere on the SoftwareHeritage webpage, but I couldn't find it in a fast search. I am just defining this task so we don't forget to look with more details later ;-).

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator


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