taskSavannah Administration - Tasks: task #16589, Submission of P2P Social Network...


task #16589: Submission of P2P Social Network Pandora

Submitter:  Michael Galyuk <robux>
Submitted:  Fri 04 Oct 2024 08:36:00 AM UTC
Should Start On:  Fri 04 Oct 2024 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Mon 14 Oct 2024 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  Project Approval Priority:  * 5 - Normal
Status:  In Progress Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  jing Open/Closed:  Open
* Mandatory Fields

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Tue 08 Oct 2024 01:15:36 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Michael Galyuk: thanks, but now please wait a little longer as I'm asking the FSF licensing team to clarify if GPLv2+ is fine for documentations

Jing Luo <jing>
Site Administrator
Mon 07 Oct 2024 05:40:31 PM UTC, comment #4: 

> I've created file "./view/media.licenses" where is listed media file
> and their licenses. Also I've added a text to README.TXT:
> "Pandora is distributed with GNU GPLv2 license, also you can
> distribute the code with 3 version, or any later version of GNU GPL.
> Media file licenses (images, icons, sounds) are listed in file:
> ./view/media.licenses."

Could you use the exact form of the license notice recommended in the GPL HowTo?  It's written very carefully and excludes possible misinterpretations.

> > (5) GFDL: the documentations have "GFDL" on the footer, but the
> > license text is not included anywhere. Also, we require "or later",
> > so you need to change them to something like "FDL1.3+".
> > Alternatively, it's perfectly fine for documentations to have the
> > same license as the code (GPLv2+).

Savannah hosting requirements for the documentation is to be released under GFDL-compatible terms.  GPLv2+ isn't GFDL-compatible.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Mon 07 Oct 2024 05:21:34 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Hello, Jing!
It's me again.

> (1) about dependency: you need to list all dependencies and their
> licenses, make sure their licenses are compatible with your program,
> like this:
> libgtk2 LGPLv2.1+
> openssl Apache 2.0

I've added the list in README.TXT with license notes.

> (2) "Linux": we strongly encourage you to give GNU project the credit
> it deserves by saying "GNU/Linux" instead of "Linux". You can see our
> reasoning here: https://savannah.nongnu.org/register/requirements.php
> The source files mention "Linux" in several places and you should
> correct them.

I've changed "Linux" to "GNU/Linux" everywhere where I could find.


> (3) "GNU GPLv2": the source files say "GPLv2" but do not explicitly
> say "GPLv2-only" or "GPLv2 or later". We require the license to be
> "GPLv2+": https://savannah.nongnu.org/maintenance/GnuGplTwoOrLater/
> This is easy to fix: you only need to change "GPLv2" to "GPLv2+" in
> every file. Upgrading to GPLv3+ is also encouraged but not required.

I've changed "GPLv2" to "GPLv2+" everywhere where I could find.


> (4) binary files like images and icons also need explicit license
> too. You can use a file list like this:
> These binary files are licensed under GNU GPLv3 or later:
> <filenames>

I've created file "./view/media.licenses" where is listed media file
and their licenses. Also I've added a text to README.TXT:
"Pandora is distributed with GNU GPLv2 license, also you can
distribute the code with 3 version, or any later version of GNU GPL.
Media file licenses (images, icons, sounds) are listed in file:

> Also you need to check if all files have a license notice. Now, some
> files don't, so it needs to be fixed.

I've added "GPLv2+" to all scripts which I could find.


> (5) GFDL: the documentations have "GFDL" on the footer, but the
> license text is not included anywhere. Also, we require "or later",
> so you need to change them to something like "FDL1.3+".
> Alternatively, it's perfectly fine for documentations to have the
> same license as the code (GPLv2+).

I've changed "GFDL" to "GPLv2+" in footes of odt-files.
I found it's an easiest way :)

> (6) "tender.xls": please convert this file to ods format, which
> libreoffice can use but some proprietary software cannot. Using "xls"
> files is too easy to invite people to use proprietary software, so
> let's avoid that.

I've converted "xls" to "ods". Xls file was deleted.

> After correcting these problems, please resubmit a source tarball.

I've updated files in GitHub, the current Tarball URL becomes actual.

Michael Galyuk <robux>
Fri 04 Oct 2024 04:33:11 PM UTC, comment #2: 

комментарий №1:

> Hello! This looks like an interesting program. But before we continue, there are a few problems...

Hello, Jing! Thanks for the feedback!
Please give me few days to research the voiced subjects deeper and correct them. After this I will remind about myself again.

Michael Galyuk <robux>
Fri 04 Oct 2024 03:45:40 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Hello! This looks like an interesting program. But before we continue, there are a few problems that need to be addressed first:

(1) about dependency: you need to list all dependencies and their licenses, make sure their licenses are compatible with your program, like this:

libgtk2 LGPLv2.1+
openssl Apache 2.0

(2) "Linux": we strongly encourage you to give GNU project the credit it deserves by saying "GNU/Linux" instead of "Linux". You can see our reasoning here: https://savannah.nongnu.org/register/requirements.php

The source files mention "Linux" in several places and you should correct them.

(3) "GNU GPLv2": the source files say "GPLv2" but do not explicitly say "GPLv2-only" or "GPLv2 or later". We require the license to be "GPLv2+": https://savannah.nongnu.org/maintenance/GnuGplTwoOrLater/

This is easy to fix: you only need to change "GPLv2" to "GPLv2+" in every file. Upgrading to GPLv3+ is also encouraged but not required.

(4) binary files like images and icons also need explicit license too. You can use a file list like this:

These binary files are licensed under GNU GPLv3 or later:

Also you need to check if all files have a license notice. Now, some files don't, so it needs to be fixed.

(5) GFDL: the documentations have "GFDL" on the footer, but the license text is not included anywhere. Also, we require "or later", so you need to change them to something like "FDL1.3+". Alternatively, it's perfectly fine for documentations to have the same license as the code (GPLv2+).

You can check these pages to correctly apply copyright notices:

(6) "tender.xls": please convert this file to ods format, which libreoffice can use but some proprietary software cannot. Using "xls" files is too easy to invite people to use proprietary software, so let's avoid that.

After correcting these problems, please resubmit a source tarball.

Jing Luo <jing>
Site Administrator
Fri 04 Oct 2024 08:36:00 AM UTC, original submission:  

A new group has been registered at Savannah.
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Registration Details

  • Name: P2P Social Network Pandora
  • System Name:  pandoranet
  • Type: non-GNU software and documentation
  • License: GNU General Public License v2 or later


Pandora is a free peer-to-peer (P2P) desktop (not web) application, designed for ordinary people, has a graphical user interface (GUI) and works "out of the box". Pandora has its own binary protocol, uses a cryptography and trust network.

Now it works direct connections with functions of instant messenger: dialogs and chats. It is planned audio and video chat, encyclopedia article and file exchange, trading platform, payment system, distributed development system and vote system.

The concept of Pandora is described in the article:

See the user manual with pictures in wiki to quick start:

Other Software Required:


- Linux, Windows or Mac OS
- Ruby1.9 or higher script engine
- GTK2 graphical library
- SQLite3 database library
- OpenSSL crypto library
- GStreamer0.1 media library

Tarball URL:


Michael Galyuk <robux>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

No files currently attached


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by ineiev (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by jing (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by robux (Submitted the item)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.

    Only logged-in users can vote.


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2024-10-08 jing StatusWait reply In Progress
    2024-10-04 jing StatusNone Wait reply
    2024-10-04 jing Assigned toNone jing

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