tasksimple cleaner - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category: 

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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

35 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on
#8456 Full french support snoogie 2008-08-04
#8453 RC1 Preparation : Remove 'output plugin choice' and put it in a combo in preferences snoogie 2008-08-02
#8425 Trace log window during performing operations Need Info snoogie 2008-07-23
#8414 Language selection in preference menu Done snoogie 2008-10-01
#8405 Write the orphan input plugin snoogie 2008-07-17
#8403 Write a 'source control' input plugin snoogie 2008-07-15
#8400 Add scleaner's icon in 'About box' snoogie 2008-07-13
#8398 Add a : "subscribe to scleaner version notifications" editbox :) snoogie 2008-07-12
#8367 Save perspective in wxAUINotebook snoogie 2008-06-29
#8281 [kleansweep import] Add a "review your choice" dialog with checklistboxview In Progress snoogie 2008-06-15
#8243 Add a restauration system snoogie 2008-06-07
#8242 Add a tutorial snoogie 2008-06-07
#8236 Check all french strings for translation + gettext snoogie 2008-06-05
#8177 Update version number to : 0.80.0 snoogie 2008-05-21
#8175 Update version number to : 1.00.0 snoogie 2008-05-21
#8173 /tmp input plugin (threadable and root) 2008-05-21
#8159 Write a broken binary & sym link input plugin snoogie 2008-05-14
#8158 Write a browser navigator cache input plugin snoogie 2008-05-14
#8148 TODO to dispatch and translate snoogie 2008-05-11
#8147 Add #if defined DEBUG and switch source code to RELEASE In Progress snoogie 2008-05-11
#8146 Implement Error codes snoogie 2008-05-11
#8145 Clean doxygen warnings snoogie 2008-05-11
#8144 Multiplatform support : windows, bsd, mac ? Need Info snoogie 2008-05-11
#8074 s/slceaner.fr/scleaner.org/g jacklafrip 2008-04-23
#8054 Skins support snoogie 2008-04-20
#8053 Gentoo packaging Need Info snoogie 2008-04-20
#8052 RPM packaging Need Info snoogie 2008-04-20
#8051 Write a ZIP output plugin Postponed snoogie 2008-04-20
#8050 Write a TGZ output plugin Postponed snoogie 2008-04-20
#8049 Per plugin preferences support Postponed snoogie 2008-04-20
#8047 Write the libpuzzle input plugin Postponed snoogie 2008-04-20
#8046 German translation Postponed 2008-04-20
#8045 Italian translation hanska 2008-04-20
#8044 French translation In Progress snoogie 2008-04-20
#7989 Debian package architecture of scleaner Need Info hanska 2008-04-17

35 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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