taskManeage - Tasks: task #15336, Temporary software build directory...


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task #15336: Temporary software build directory in shared memory (RAM)

Submitter:  Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Submitted:  Wed 24 Jul 2019 12:25:31 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Tue 23 Jul 2019 11:00:00 PM UTC Should be Finished on:  Tue 23 Jul 2019 11:00:00 PM UTC
Category:  Software Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  makhlaghi Percent Complete:  100%
Open/Closed:  Closed Effort:  0.00

Wed 24 Jul 2019 01:54:09 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The task has been done and pushed to the main repository.

As mentioned in the commit message, besides the existence of `/dev/shm', the configure script also checks the available space: it will only build the software in RAM, if there is more than 2GB of space available there.

There may be bugs that were invisible to my system, so if you can try it out and if you get a crash, submit a bug report.

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Wed 24 Jul 2019 12:25:31 PM UTC, original submission:  

The template currently unpacks the software and builds them directly in the build directory and after installation the whole unpacked directory is deleted. However, building the software involves the reading and writing of millions of files, so on the long run, it can be bad for the non-volatile memory (HDDs or SSDs), it can also be slightly slow.

To fix this, if the system has a shared-memory directory (commonly named `/dev/shm'), we can do the temporary building of the software there. The great thing about this unique directory is that it is actually in the RAM, not on the HDD/SSD. This can slightly improve the speed (not much probably), but more importantly it will not do any long-term harm to the host's HDDs/SSDs.

I am working on a tiny change so when a `/dev/shm' exists, the `.build/software/build-tmp' directory actually becomes a symbolic link to a directory under `/dev/shm'. Since we have just changed a directory to a symbolic link, this won't cause any change to the way we use this directory during the building of the software :-D.

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2019-07-24 makhlaghi StatusNone Done
        Percent Complete40% 100%
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed

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