bugrdiff-backup - Bugs: bug #22183, Feature request - speed...


bug #22183: Feature request - speed improvements at cost of integrity for large systems

Submitter:  Guru Evi <guruevi>
Submitted:  Wed 30 Jan 2008 09:59:49 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Invalid
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Closed
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Wed 30 Jan 2008 10:12:26 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Guru,

rdiff-backup uses the Rsync algorithm for comparing files, not hashing.

The unstable version of rdiff-backup has a feature to calculate sha1 hashes, but those are only used as a consistency check during the restore operation (not to check if a file has changed).

A metadata file that large probably contains .... a lot of metadata. If you are on a Mac, this would be all of the resource forks as well (thumbnails for each file).

You can open the metadata file to see what it is full of -- it is simply a gzip compressed text file.

As a backup program, I do not think "speed improvements at the cost of integrity" ever makes sense. If that is what you need, then perhaps rdiff-backup is not for you. rdiff-backup tries very, very hard to maintain absolute integrity of the mirror.

Since this is not a bug, I am closing the report. If you want to add a feature request, please put it on the Wiki: http://wiki.rdiff-backup.org


Andrew Ferguson <owsla>
Group administrator
Wed 30 Jan 2008 09:59:49 PM UTC, original submission:  


I just would like to know if it were possible, to implement a switch somehow that would improve the speed of rdiff-backup significantly by not comparing file-by-file by calculating SHA1 (I believe that is the approach you take for comparing files).

I have rather large binary files (in the order of hundreds of megabytes) or very much small (1000's of 16k files from a medical scanner) on a very large file system (9 terabytes) and just a run through with 6 Gbyte of changed files takes about 72 hours for rdiff-backup and takes up a whole CPU (not really what we like). The metadata file which I believe contains all the SHA1 hashes is a whopping 3 Gigabyte. The files itself however never change, they either get created or removed.

If there were a switch that could do turn off sha1 hashing for something way less expensive (md4) or something else that would save a lot since (depending on your machine) md4 is about 10-200% faster.

If you have additional information or tips (maybe insert it into the documentation) on how to speed up rdiff-backup, I would like to know. I'm going to switch from SSH to straight NFS (currently pushing the ACL for the backup user), I already tried turning off compression but that didn't seem to help a whole lot (you probably do the compression after a complete backup?)

Guru Evi <guruevi>


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