bugTransport Sample Protocol - Bugs: bug #23720, DTest installation is not working...


bug #23720: DTest installation is not working well

Submitter:  Eric NOULARD <erk>
Submitted:  Fri 27 Jun 2008 06:01:19 AM UTC
Category:  DTest Severity:  3 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  * Unknown Fixed Release:  * Unknown
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Sun 29 Jun 2008 03:32:16 PM UTC, comment #2: 

One observation:
Although on Linux I didn't have to install the DTest external dependencies (it was enough to use PYTHONPATH), on Sun Solaris 12 I had to manually install pycrypto (python setup.py install). Otherwise I was getting a "Crypto.Util.randpool is unknown" error when running dtest.

Petr Gotthard <gotthardp>
Fri 27 Jun 2008 06:10:29 AM UTC, comment #1: 

DTest 0.5 installation is buggy:

1) README.txt says you need to
   python setup.py
   whereas you need to
   python setup.py install
  (this is fixed in CVS)

2) DTest is now using a modified version of
   the TAP python module so you need to
   use dtest/TAP and not the original
   pytap module.
   We should install this specific TAP module
   with DTest (and propose evolution to author
   of the original TAP module)

This was initially reported by Petr Gotthard for CERTI usage

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator
Fri 27 Jun 2008 06:01:19 AM UTC, original submission:  

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator


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