bugConcurrent Versions System - Bugs: bug #23723, cvs: hash.c:317: findnode:...


bug #23723: cvs: hash.c:317: findnode: Assertion `key != ((void *)0)' failed.

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 27 Jun 2008 08:23:09 AM UTC
Category:  Bug Report Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release: 
Fixed Release:  None Fixed Feature Release:  None
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Mon 25 May 2009 10:11:41 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Same problem here, assertion failed after a failing commit:

$ cvs commit .sh .tex .cvsignore
/home/mweber/accvs/ETI_SS2009/seminar1.sh,v  <--  seminar1.sh
initial revision: 1.1
cvs [commit aborted]: cannot rename file /home/mweber/accvs/ETI_SS2009/,seminar1.sh, to /home/mweber/accvs/ETI_SS2009/seminar1.sh,v: Operation not permitted
$ cvs commit .sh .tex .cvsignore
cvs: hash.c:325: findnode: Assertion `key != ((void *)0)' failed.
cvs [commit aborted]: received abort signal
$ ls /home/mweber/accvs/ETI_SS2009/

The directory "accvs" was mounted with sshfs.

Fri 27 Jun 2008 08:26:50 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Seems to happen if the file exists in the attic, but not in the root folder.

Followed a bad CVS checkin, so it isn't an everyday occurrence.

Thought I would report it anyway.

Fri 27 Jun 2008 08:23:09 AM UTC, original submission:  

sudo -u cvs cvs -d /cvs add Doxyfile
sudo -u cvs cvs -d /cvs commit -m 'Adding generic doxygen configuration from doxygen tool' Doxyfile

cvs add: scheduling file `Doxyfile' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
cvs: hash.c:317: findnode: Assertion `key != ((void *)0)' failed.
cvs [commit aborted]: received abort signal

This was executed from within a perl script:



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