bugutil-vserver - Bugs: bug #27135, [PATCH] vsomething --help output...


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bug #27135: [PATCH] vsomething --help output is incorrect

Submitter:  Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs>
Submitted:  Wed 29 Jul 2009 11:46:13 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Documentation Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Component Version:  alpha
Release:  trunk (r2844)

Wed 29 Jul 2009 12:03:33 PM UTC, comment #1: 

A slightly improved version of the patch is below. This also documents the extra options, besides --all that are available (which I only found after writing a patch to make vapt-get --all skip stopped vservers, which can be achieved with --running just as easy).

Index: scripts/vsomething
--- scripts/vsomething  (revision 2844)
+++ scripts/vsomething  (working copy)
@@ -29,10 +29,17 @@
 function showHelp()
     echo \
-$"Usage: $0 [--quiet|-q] [--debug] <cmd> [--] <vserver-name>* [--all] -- <params>+
+$"Usage: $0 [--quiet|-q] [--debug] <cmd> <vserver-name>* [-- <params>*]

-Execute <cmd> <vserver> <params>* foreach vserver.
+Execute <cmd> <vserver> <params>* foreach vserver named.

+Each vserver-name can be a name of a vserver, or one of:
+  --all       All vservers
+  --marked    Vservers that are marked (have a apps/init/mark file)
+  --unmarked  Vservers that are not marked (do not have a apps/init/mark file)
+  --running   Vservers that are running
+  --stopped   VServers that are not running
 Report bugs to <$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT>."
     exit 0

Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs>
Wed 29 Jul 2009 11:46:13 AM UTC, original submission:  

As per subject. The below oneliner makes --help consistent with the code again:

Index: scripts/vsomething
--- scripts/vsomething  (revision 2844)
+++ scripts/vsomething  (working copy)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 function showHelp()
-$"Usage: $0 [--quiet|-q] [--debug] <cmd> [--] <vserver-name>* [--all] -- <params>+
+$"Usage: $0 [--quiet|-q] [--debug] <cmd> <vserver-name>* [--all] [-- <params>+]
 Execute <cmd> <vserver> <params>* foreach vserver.

Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs>


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