bugGlobulation 2 - Bugs: bug #32937, New Startup Screen (patch inside)


bug #32937: New Startup Screen (patch inside)

Submitter:  Jannis Froese <thelion>
Submitted:  Mon 28 Mar 2011 02:37:01 PM UTC
Severity:  1 - Wish Status:  Invalid
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Operating System:  None
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Mon 28 Mar 2011 03:59:48 PM UTC, comment #3: 

If the progress bar is too standart: I attatched a version using the wall-images which I created before.
I would like it even more if an explorer would fly over the screen as a progress bar but  I can not use any animation in this function (haven't tried without animation, yet).
But I agree, a nice splash screen would be much better.

Jannis Froese <thelion>
Mon 28 Mar 2011 03:26:20 PM UTC, comment #2: 

The recent splash screen was introduced May 10th 2008 by Stephane:

Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Group Member
Mon 28 Mar 2011 03:17:06 PM UTC, comment #1: 


so you suggest to replace the "mud tiles getting replaced by grass tiles progress bar" with a "black screen that has a standard progress bar"?
Honestly I wouldn't be sad to see the present progress-bar-thing disappear but not for a black screen. With a nice splash screen, ok but we had a (not so nice[1]) splash-screen before. No idea who changed that for what it is now.

[1] http://hg.globulation2.org/glob2-new/raw-file/9fcbd36fe414/data/gfx/IntroMN.png - this splash screen seems to still be bundled although it is not used in the code -> can be removed
$ rgrep --exclude-dir=.hg IntroMN .

Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Group Member
Mon 28 Mar 2011 02:37:01 PM UTC, original submission:  

I would like to propose this new starting screen for globulation2. I think it looks more modern while still preserving the glob2-look.
Image and Diff to GlobalContainer.cpp are attatched.

Jannis Froese <thelion>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #23039:  glob2startWall.png added by thelion (31KiB - image/png)
file #23037:  glob2start.png added by thelion (29KiB - image/png)
file #23038:  StartingScreen.diff added by thelion (3KiB - application/octet-stream)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by giszmo (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by thelion (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2011-03-28 thelion Attached File- Added glob2startWall.png, #23039
    2011-03-28 giszmo Severity3 - Normal 1 - Wish
        StatusNone Invalid
        SummaryNew Startup Screen New Startup Screen (patch inside)
    2011-03-28 thelion Attached File- Added glob2start.png, #23037
        Attached File- Added StartingScreen.diff, #23038

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