buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: bug #40046, Despam action does not delete page


bug #40046: Despam action does not delete page

Submitter:  Sam Geeraerts <samgee>
Submitted:  Mon 16 Sep 2013 06:51:18 PM UTC
Category:  Infrastructure Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  Website Status:  Upstream
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Mon 16 Sep 2013 06:51:18 PM UTC, original submission:  

When I use the Despam action on a page that I've also had to despam at an earlier time, I get the message You cannot save empty pages. The page remains unchanged.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a new page using account A.
2. Use Despam on the page. The page gets deleted.
3. Create the page again using account B.
4. Use Despam again on the page. It will say You cannot save empty pages. The page remains as it was saved by B.

This bug report is meant to track the upstream bug report.

Sam Geeraerts <samgee>
Group administrator


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