KardsGT - News
posted by jadziamd, Sat 16 Apr 2011 04:29:54 PM UTC
The repository structure has moved from CVS to Mercurial.
posted by jadziamd, Thu 11 Mar 2010 08:12:48 PM UTC
The first alpha is out. This has a major change in the base library, it has been made as generic as possible. All the games and players have been ported to it, as well as test cases written for it, lets hope that's the end of regressions. :D We need as many people as we can get to test it, and try to break it. You download the alpha now.
posted by jadziamd, Mon 09 Nov 2009 08:03:14 AM UTC
The conversion process has continued to be delayed. Progress is slow, but moving steadily. Everything is planned to be pulled together around late December or early January. Appreciate your understanding.
posted by jadziamd, Mon 03 Aug 2009 04:42:15 PM UTC
The next version was to be out this week, but due to illness the schedule needed to be pushed back. Fear not, it will be ready shortly. :D
posted by jadziamd, Tue 30 Jun 2009 07:08:08 PM UTC
The good news is the generic card API is pretty much finalised. It is now just a matter of changing the games to do the same. As you no doubt noticed, we have slipped passed the release date. This is a bummer, but in exchange we have a much more powerful base library to develup upon. On a much brighter note the next release will hit before the end of July. :D
posted by jadziamd, Sun 17 May 2009 09:20:03 PM UTC
The generic card API is committed. Devel is currently broken.
posted by jadziamd, Mon 13 Apr 2009 11:53:22 PM UTC
I know it seems like it's been forever since the last release, and it has been. :D But the good news is the release of 0.8 is near. We'll have it ready for play with a new card API that'll allow it to grow easily. I appreciate your patience for this release.
posted by jadziamd, Wed 20 Aug 2008 12:34:14 AM UTC
There were some issues when compiling KardsGT using GCC 4.3. This release fixes that issue. Users who had issues compiling are encouraged to use this release. There is no need to upgrade if you had no issues compiling.
posted by jadziamd, Thu 14 Aug 2008 03:46:32 AM UTC
After much wait and much coding the QT 4 release of KardsGT has been completed. It makes use of many of the great features found in QT 4.3. This release adds the game of Crazy Eights. The interface has been simplified for ease of use. All previous settings and game files are incompatible with this release. Enjoy the release.
posted by jadziamd, Sat 12 Jan 2008 07:32:04 PM UTC
A critical bug was found in KardsGT that caused the programme to crash when a special run was found in a players hand. I have been told, as of this release KardsGT compiles on Ubuntu again. As always, happy playing.
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