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Beta release 1.4.99
     posted by rom_vinot, Thu 16 Oct 2003 09:06:46 AM UTC

Finally, after one month and a half of quiet playing, here comes a new release.

Main new feature is the network game !
There have also been some big clean-ups.

Network game is still quite simple. So I advised you to use any Instant Messenger during your play to be able to communicate with the other player. [...]

Release 1.4.5
     posted by rom_vinot, Thu 28 Aug 2003 12:18:49 PM UTC

A new release for SpaceHulk has made is way through the web with few but important improvements :
- SMTP authentification has been implemented.
- A minimap has been added.
- Some more bugfixes about rules interpretation (entering the board does cost 1 AP finally).

I hope this is the last release in the 1.4.* serie. So expect a network-enabled 1.5.0 release in the next month (or two ?)

Release 1.4.4
     posted by rom_vinot, Wed 06 Aug 2003 07:56:25 AM UTC

A new release of spacehulk mainly a bug fix release :
 - Last file after end of game was not sent in PBEM game
 - Add a new condition for winning about type or turn
 - Fix an incorrect rule implementation : blips can't be moved in a visible square. They must be reverted first. This implies that the heuristic for unvoluntary reversion is not [...]

Release 1.4.3
     posted by rom_vinot, Mon 07 Jul 2003 08:30:27 AM UTC

1.4.3 is a small release with only one little new feature : you can undo one simple movement (if no dice roll are not by this movement) but may important bug fixes :
- number of flamer charger are correctly set.
- messages were shown twice during a replay
- some segfault
- bulkheads info were not correclty saved
- pbem with a dead conditions were incorrect.

Release 1.4.2 is out
     posted by rom_vinot, Tue 17 Jun 2003 07:44:27 AM UTC

A new release of spacehulk is born with many little improvements requested on the forum :

- Main window has been rearranged.
- You can add a message during a PBEM.
- You can add a message in the mail send for the PBEM.
- you can record your actions for replay. [...]

Release 1.4 is out
     posted by rom_vinot, Mon 05 May 2003 09:25:55 AM UTC

A new Play By Email mode game !
If you want to find some players, please check the forum :

Spaceditor : first public release
     posted by rom_vinot, Wed 30 Apr 2003 09:49:23 AM UTC

This is the editor for spacehulk program. Before trying to do anything with this editor, you have to install spacehulk.

Be careful, this is the first public release of this program an it is absolutely not feature complete. You can currently only create the map and level description. Onlythe winning conditions can't yet be edited with it. But you can anyway see how it will be :o)

Themes repository moved
     posted by rom_vinot, Wed 30 Apr 2003 09:35:09 AM UTC

I've got a new theme from Jérémie Vidal. Thanks to him. With the new dlCenter, I have remove the old page with themes archives. Everything is now integrated on the dlCenter site.

I have also removed the old BrownSimple theme from the main distribution and put it in the dlCenter. You can now get all the themes packed in one file in the download area on savannah.

Web site for new level files
     posted by rom_vinot, Wed 23 Apr 2003 08:32:43 AM UTC - 1 reply

I have set a new web site for the community of qspacehulk where anyone can download, comment, rate, publish new levels for qspacehulk.
This site is still in beta version. I need to translate it in english.
The map editor is going to be release in a near futur, so this site will be very useful.

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