Bos Wars - Patches: patch #7096, Correct z-order and randomize...
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patch #7096: Correct z-order and randomize positions of morels and trees within their tiles
Follow 44 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2010-04-25 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0006-Add-RandomPosition-property-of-unit-types.patch, #20329 | |
Attached File | - | Added 0007-Add-NudgeUnitUnderCursor-in-the-map-editor.patch, #20330 | |||
Attached File | - | Added 0008-Randomize-positions-of-trees-and-morels.patch, #20331 | |||
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added z-order-tree02-between-cannons.png, #20277 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0008-Randomize-positions-of-trees-and-morels.patch, #20276 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0007-Add-NudgeUnitUnderCursor-in-the-map-editor.patch, #20275 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0006-Add-RandomPosition-property-of-unit-types.patch, #20274 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0005-Update-comments-for-CUnit-IX-CUnit-IY.patch, #20273 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0004-Move-morel-graphics-higher.patch, #20272 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0003-DrawLevelCompare-Compare-center-tile-not-bottom-of-s.patch, #20271 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0002-DrawLevelCompare-Use-if.return-instead-of.patch, #20270 | |
2010-04-18 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0001-Correct-DrawLevel-of-some-unit-types.patch, #20269 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0006-Randomize-positions-of-trees-and-morels.patch, #19867 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0005-Add-NudgeUnitUnderCursor-in-the-map-editor.patch, #19866 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0004-Add-RandomPosition-property-of-unit-types.patch, #19865 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0003-Update-comments-for-CUnit-IX-CUnit-IY.patch, #19864 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0002-Move-morel-graphics-higher.patch, #19863 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0001-Adjust-what-gets-drawn-in-front-of-what.patch, #19862 | |
2010-03-06 | kon | Attached File | - | Added screen02.png, #19861 | |
2010-03-01 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0004-Add-RandomPosition-property-of-unit-types.patch, #19837 | |
2010-03-01 | kon | Attached File | - | Added screen01.png, #19836 | |
Status | Postponed | None | |||
Summary | Move morels higher and adjust Z-order | Correct z-order and randomize positions of morels and trees within their tiles | |||
2010-03-01 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0006-Randomize-positions-of-trees-and-morels.patch, #19835 | |
2010-03-01 | kon | Attached File | - | Added 0005-Add-NudgeUnitUnderCursor-in-the-map-editor.patch, #19834 |
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