mainHurd on Mach on PowerPC - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
2 active members

Group identification
Id: 4685
System Name: hurdppc
Name: Hurd on Mach on PowerPC
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The goal of this project is to port the OSKit to the PowerPC, then change OSF Mach to use this, and to run the GNU Hurd on it.  Currently, there is only a preliminary port of the Hurd to the version of OSF Mach on which MkLinux runs, but unfortunately this version of Mach only supports older PowerMacs.  The OSKit will provide modern device drivers from Linux, and OSF Mach will use it in a way like GNUMach does.

Registration Date: Fri 20 Jun 2003 03:31:41 PM UTC
License: Other license - Both oskit and osfmk are free software. But we must see what kind of license is adequate for the patches. Of course, we will license the patches with free software licenses (with GPL when possible).
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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Preliminary version of GNU/OSF Mach
     posted by pbruin, Fri 19 Sep 2003 09:00:27 PM UTC

A slightly changed version of OSF Mach has been imported into the CVS repository as gnu-osfmach.  This will be adapted to use the OSKit instead of the original device drivers.

First release of gnu-osfmig
     posted by jemarch, Tue 26 Aug 2003 09:40:02 AM UTC

gnu-osfmig 0.01, the mig implementation that comes embedded into the sources
of the osfmk used to derive gnu-osfmk, has been released.

Now gnu-osfmig is a separate package, and you can build it with
the autotools.

You can download gnu-osfmig from the download area or make a checkout from the [...]

Split on three subprojects
     posted by jemarch, Mon 25 Aug 2003 11:30:18 AM UTC - 1 reply

The project has been split on three different subprojects:

- oskit work

  Porting the oskit to PPC. Some work on libkern is in progress.

- osfmk work

  Prepare osfmk to work on modern ppc machines as the macintosh, and
  for the integration with OSkit.

- hurd/glibc work

  Prepare the Hurd to work on osfmk. Some work by Peter Bruin is
  already available.

Quick Overview
 Memberlist (2 members)

Communication Tools
 Mailing Lists (2 public mailing lists)
 This group is looking for people (1 contributor wanted)

Development Tools
 Task Manager (open items: 0, total: 1)
 Patch Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)

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